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Everything posted by onaid

  1. thanks mate that has done the trick it appears to be working fine now , i can move the respawn trigger way down lower and no more bounce thing going on , thanks a bunch again for everyones help
  2. thanks for your reply it is set to zero in default fps .lua am i looking at the right line ?
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWM6ILP8Pf9UlV1a2FlTm9jVXM/view?usp=sharing short video of he bounce thing. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWM6ILP8Pf9anVqb2tWelJKaVk/view?usp=sharing zip file for project.
  4. not sure if this helps i had similar problems , snap to grid as long as edge of your object is lined up with grid your other object should snap to same grid space, other option is to turn this off and you can move objects without snapping if they are off a grid line, if that makes sense
  5. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxWM6ILP8Pf9b0dwcU5Vc0NyZGM&usp=sharing Need a little help with falling from height , i have attached a sample project where i have followed Aggrors tutorial on respawning player. all works fine , except when i move the respawn trigger box any lower than the height reference box i have placed in the scene , my fps player bounces between respawn trigger and respawn point ? the final result i wish to get is have the player fall for some fair time then respawn. I found before if i had the respawn trigger too far down my player would die on impact and not respawn, bring the respawn trigger box up and all is ok but player dosent fall for as long as i want, i over came this by changing this function Script:Collision(entity,position,normal,speed) if speed>200 then self:Hurt(100) end end speed from 20 to 200 allowed me to achive greater fall distance, but if i lower the respawn trigger box any lower than what is in attached project i get the bounce thing happening, if that makes any sense... also tried changing the if speed to higher numbers and self hurt to 0 but no change? thank you in advance also have tried changing the respawn trigger collision to character this works randomly ? sometimes i bounce somtimes i dont ? (all ok at this height respawn works) (at this height weird bounce thing goin on )
  6. thanks , how would i go about applying it to the fps .lua ?
  7. is there a way to change the default flashlight / torch for a light more like a zippo/lighter type of light , if that makes sense ? could i use the fire pit plane/ light instead of the flashlight.. just as if you where in the dark woods and light a zippo to see where your going with the light flickering .......if that makes sense cheers
  8. Thanks guys very much again works like a charm, true that cheers to everyone for your help
  9. thanks for your help , when i attach motor.lua or the script in the tutorial https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWM6ILP8Pf9UjV2ZXFjTEx5M2M/view?usp=sharing to only the parent and not the children nothing happens...... ( tube/cylinder dose not move ) only when i attach the script to each individual segment (child) will the object move, just not the way i want it to. if you run the map i uploaded you will see how all the segments act individually, i can get the tube / cylinder to rotate but only like it was a orange in separate pieces also tried saving as a prefab and it still keeps segments, and acts in the same manor.
  10. thanks for your help i used one by hollowing a cylinder and one by (create compound tube). the box works cause it dose not have segments i think, unlike the tube,or cylinder with ends hollowed they have children so i attached the script to each individual segment so i guess they all rotate on a individual axis where as the box is only one piece rotating on common axis ? but no matter which one the rotate in segments not as a whole . i followed the tutorial and i can get the tube/cylinder to rotate in the right way but they still rotate individually. this is the script i used below...again all segments rotate on there own axis not the tube/cylinder as a whole ? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWM6ILP8Pf9UjV2ZXFjTEx5M2M/view?usp=sharing
  11. function Script:UpdateWorld() self.entity:Turn(0,0,1) end do i create a new script with the above or add it to motor.lua ? thanks
  12. hi again i am having some trouble getting a tube or cylinder to rotate using the motor lua see attached photo, i have also linked a map guess what im trying to say is ihow can i get the tube/cylinder to rotate as one, not individual segments i want to put a path through the middle of the tube/cylinder like walking thru the middle of a spinning tunnel if that makes sense ? cheers https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxWM6ILP8Pf9dDBuczlqOFdEeGM&usp=sharing
  13. "So the simplest way to prevent the player from interacting with the cylinder is to increase the cylinder's mass (above the default max carrying weight of 5). " thank you macklebee that done the trick
  14. in the attached level i have a fps player and a turning object with the motor .lua as its script file. .how do i stop the interaction between player and object ( not able to press E on the turning object ) ? thank you. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxWM6ILP8Pf9WkFic205WHV2aWM&usp=sharing
  15. Thanks heaps reepblue, that done the trick " Make sure all outputs are self.component:CallOutputs, not self:CallOutputs. I noticed that some scripts still have that old snippet. "
  16. how do i disable a collision trigger ? i would like the collision trigger to run the draw text lua then be disabled so when player collides with trigger a 2nd time nothing happens? i tried to disable collision trigger via the trigger delay bu i get a error and game stops.
  17. got home from work , cranked up steam found leadwerks update. let the download finish open my project and just outta curiosity published my project and everything works fine....... ??wtf one thing i did notice is before the update i never had the option (only include used files yes /no) see attached. the only option i had when publishing is (encrypt files yes/no) ? so i am lost. totally.. very happy now i have all sounds working thank you to everybody for your help, big props to josh.. cheers
  18. Will give it a go tonight. Thanks again .
  19. here is what i have found, i created a new project with 1 control panel with a push button .lua attached when activated the push button .lua is connected to a pivot with a sound. lua . so what happens in editor, you walk up to control panel press E , switchheavyecho.wav plays, also firststep.wav plays (in loop) , control panel is disabled after interaction, firststep.wav continues to play. so then i save, update project manager, publish, run exe and.... no sounds. at all (bar footsteps). then i browsed the published folder and extracted the data.zip (right click extract here) then i run the exe again, and i have sounds ?. in my previous project i used models and materials from the workshop, which must have encrypted files, so i could not extract the data.zip, (enter password to extract). i think this is why my models and materials vanished when i exported to zip file (all except the default leadwerks models and materials and ones with no encryption) so when i published my previous project i had no sounds because the data.zip was not extracted , but i could not extract it because of the encrypted workshop addons... if that makes any sense?..... https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxWM6ILP8Pf9dE9CVHN2N0RtaDQ&usp=sharing so if you download the published game (soundscape) , run the exe straight up, i bet you have no sound.... then extract the data.zip (right click extract here) run the exe again, you get sound. why?
  20. I updated project (all files up to date) publish , still no sounds. where do i find the exe ? and where do i copy it ? cheers
  21. Ps there are control panels , triggers collision type, and one hidden control panel. Each one unlocks a sound in loop witch all together make up the music if that makes sense. These sounds are not playing , there is i think one control panel that makes a sound when interacting with it. You will see a piano which when interacting with it will play a loop and unlock the control panel wich activates a sliding door lua . When interacting with the piano a spot light comes on sound should play. In the .zip exe the piano dissapears ? As with materials so you can go no further in the game. When published the piano is there is but sounds are not?
  22. thanks for yor reply, just updated project.... still the same, no sound? so did the sounds work for you?. the character footsteps have always worked? that is not the problem its all my imported sounds. if you run the exe from the folder (published) no sounds. if you run the .exe from the extracted .zip all the sounds are there but models are missing and materials. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxWM6ILP8Pf9dmVSYXRoRk44NXc&usp=sharing (published) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxWM6ILP8Pf9d2VhQkJSVkR1MEk/view?usp=sharing (zip)
  23. i discovered that if i PUBLISH my game my sounds do not work. yet they work in editor. i discovered that if i EXPORT my game to a zip file and extract and run.........my SOUNDS WORK ..........but now most of my models are gone, and all of my terrain is white? help.
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