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Everything posted by Dan22

  1. I made this with Leadwerks Game Engine!
  2. New Updated Menu
  3. My game would benefit so much from animated textures, although its in Lua
  4. New level for the game "Meme Simulator 2016" it should be finished this summer or abit after summer.
  5. Yes, a lot of the stuff here you see is still being cut from the final game, such as the dorito logo, mlg logos ect that will most likely cause the game to be taken down and before the game is greenlit i'll go through the game with somone to make sure all trademarks and copyright infringements are removed before the game is released. If removing the content to prevent copyright is not possible without being detrimental to the game then the game will be released for free. Things like the Gabe Newell level are supposedly fine as there are a couple games on steam that uses Gabe Newell's face and name in their game for commercial use.
  6. Hello all, brace yourself for the newest arrival to the Leadwerks game engine. You may have seen this game before as "Snoop Dogg Simulator" but has since undergone a change into "Meme Simulator" so that it can be released publicly without myself getting in trouble. The game is currently very early in development, and I am not a coder by no means so it is a surprise to myself that I could create a game even if its bare bones. Lets get to it then! Videos: Main menu + Kappa level + John Cena level: New Gabe Newell level: Pictures: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/498016014222333559/D973FAC5A02F1DAAC40B951775050550C3456073/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/498015917100373996/3BA2B8AA956E053CE210ADE1006C3B52E001D979/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/498016014223351287/6F9AE344100ED6D98D1F2079CF7C4410AA391F86/ Future Plans: In the future I would want to polish the game, add a possible timing game mechanic and leader boards mechanic so there is an element of replay value to get the best time in the game. Once the game is at a finished state, it is possible that the game will go on steam Greenlight and perhaps on Android. Let me know what you think and what you would want added!
  7. fxaa contrast toon is the only one that doesnt hurt my eyes
  8. Feast your eyes on the best weapon ever created on leadwerks.... ...The Nyan Cat Gun!!!!
  9. If anyone is able to help me make a way to get animated textures/gifs to work it would make the snoop dogg game amazing! I am very bad at coding so I will either need every step explained or something of that nature. Thanks!
  10. I have a modified sound script that stops when it is linked in the flow graph idk if this is help to you.
  11. Hey guys, been busy with college but learning how to paint my models and make them look abit beter, Heres a simple shield I made: Final Product: Texture (Hand painted by me in Gimp): Also beginning to learn how to draw concept art for my models ect, Sword Concept Art (I will be making this soon): Thanks again for reading! More updates soon and let me know what you think!
  12. Main Menu for my Christmas game: Has this main menu music: Will post gameplay soon! Hoping to get this done in time for you guys to play way before christmas!
  13. Lol. Works now, thanks just copied how the default material had it.
  14. Also happens with default texture.
  15. I wanted to use sprites instead of lense flare as I wanted it to rotate around y axis only but you can see the glow through geometry. Could this be fixed because I cant use lense flares which do dissapear from geometry due to lack of options in them, or a possible client side fix which could be explained how to fix in detail. Thanks
  16. Beautiful, my life long dream of sprites added
  17. New Logo and New LSD Level preview! http://youtu.be/eq8y8oOIrto
  18. Dont ask xD http://youtu.be/BDWfL40dxQ8
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