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Everything posted by Wedmer

  1. Save/Load variables to/from file. http://www.lua.org/pil/contents.html#P2
  2. So you have to create some global values and sync to them.
  3. Yes, Terrain part is totally undocumented in wiki, but you can just look trough header files)
  4. Tested code from the link above. The code should be modified a bit. Generation time for 2048 map is acceptable.
  5. You can use ffi to use C functions. For example http://staffwww.itn.liu.se/~stegu/simplexnoise/Noise.lua
  6. Adopted script from tutorial for LE2 I can rewrite this tutorial from scratch or continue the old one if you're interested.
  7. Wedmer

    Vegetation Demo

    As already mentioned shadows sometimes work sometimes not. Also grass forms weird circles when looking from distance. Sometimes it kills AMD 15.10 beta driver. Overall performance on my HD6850 is good.
  8. Why not to use sprintf family?
  9. Can I modifye character controller from C++ code with functions SetHeight, SetCrouchHeight and SetRadius?
  10. I think the easiest way to enable prototyping with python is to compile library which implements bindings to python. https://wiki.python.org/moin/IntegratingPythonWithOtherLanguages
  11. If indie edition can call c functions from lua code you can compile your own external client library somewhere else.
  12. Looks little laggy. Maybe you can use more low level crossplatform code for network.
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