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Everything posted by Dealman
Lumooja, this isn't a serious Game Concept. Well it somewhat is, but it won't be put in use. And I most likley won't continue on it. It should be quite obvious that it's far from done, a reall MMORPG Game Concept should be hundreds of information, heck even thousands. But I appreciate the kind words you've said to me. And I know that MMORPG is a way too big subject to start with. Also, I agree with Rick. There's a lot of Business that have taken high risks and thus resulting in them making no profit. However, there are business that take high risks and it turns out to be good and they make a huge profit out of it. Moderate Risks usually brings Moderate Profit, which is probably the best idea to do for some time until your budget have grown quite a bit. Then you might wanna try the higher risks.
Ugh, even though I've got Adobe Acrobat, I'm horrible with it. Though I'll see what I can do. I also believe there's some websites where you can look at Microsoft Office files online, without any use of programs. Anyhow, I'm going out with a few friends so I'll take a look at it when I get back. Thanks for all the replies and the votes, 3 on good for a first attempt
Thanks for the Reply! I'm not going to create anything like this, I haven't got the experience nor the time. Also, GRIN, the Developers of the game doesn't exist anymore. So I thought using their names wouldn't do any harm. It's just a concept that hit my mind, but I appreciate your Feedback! And I'm already working on a Project, though not for the Leadwerks Engine.
Hiya guys, I've started working on a Game Concept as my internet went off and I had nothing to do. The Game is a MMORPG based on the Vehicular Shooter game called Bandits: Phoenix Rising. I'd like you to rate it for me, and please, be honest about the Rating. And I can take critisim as it's only good for me. And yes, this game isn't going to happend, well most likley not as it'll probably need it's own custom made Engine as well as a huge and coordinate team. Which I don't have. However, I like the idea of it.(As I've played Bandits: PR since I was a kid). The Concept is written in .docx file. (Microsoft Office Word Document). So... tell me what you think, and keep in mind; This is my first ever made Game Concept. Filefront Download Mediafire Download Also, what part did you like the most? (If anything) PS. Sorry for the silly polls, it's late and I'm tired. Thus giving me that sense of humour... Sincerely, Dealman.
Any Chance We'll Be Getting New Water Before LW 3.0 ?
Dealman replied to a topic in General Discussion
I've seen that video before, and it's quite awesome. I'm a huge fan of Water Rendering, in my opinion it's one of the most important things in a Game. Even though you maybe don't interact with it to much. It's just something in my backbone. And by all videos I've seen that HydraX, DX11 and of course CryEngine 2 have the best water renderings. CryEngine 2 also supports water deformation as well as it looks as awesome as it gets. Got the same feature as Mike wanted with the Water, and you can yet see down to the bottom of the ocean, if it's not to much water of course. CryTek never cease to impress me Example of CryEngine 2 Water Physics: Yeah, I like to kiss CryTek's asses. -
Maybe you'd get better luck by posting in the Materials, Textures, & Shaders and/or Programming
I've been a worshipper of CryTek since the early days of Crysis. CryEngine 2 have always and still is my favourite Game Engine of all time. So powerful yet so easy to use(For the amount of technology it have got.) What makes me love it the most, is by far the Flow Graph. It's genious, easy to use and it's logical. I can't wait to try the CryEngine 3 Sandbox! And everyone saying that CE3 is almost the same as CE2, it's not. You've seen nothing yet, that 24 Minute video only covered mereley a percentile of what the new Engine's capable of. Keep up the super awesome work CryTek, love you guys!
I still haven't bought the SDK Anyhow, the Physiques 'Wireframe' turn red when I activate the Physiques in the Editor. So most likley some error in the Code? Also how do I make separate hulls for each part manually? Edit: I've made my own Convex Hull Mesh covering the whole vehicle, and picked it for being a Convex Hull when exporting my Vehicle as a .GMF. But when I open it up in the Editor I can see the Convex Hull, also I tried adding the Physique Modifier without any success...
Is there a way to manually modify the Physiques file/Convex Hull Mesh? 'Cause that's what the Model looked like when I first Imported it into the Leadwerks Editor, no wheels, upside down, turret in middle of vehicle. Edit: Just found out that I had to follow these steps; • Delete the physiques files that was located in the same Export Folder as my .GMF • Tick the Convex Hull option and pick my STATIC_MESH(Chassis) as Collision Object. • I can now collide with my Model in the Editor. However, it won't fall down from the sky nor will it move when I hit it, it's just there plain solid. I've tried to set 1.0 to Mass, Gravity enabled and Collision Mode as Prop, Scene and Character. Did I miss something?
Problem is, I haven't bought the Game Engine. Nor will I buy it unless I get to try it out throroughly. Don't wanna spend $200 on something that doesn't fit my needs. Any other way to fix this? Can I make my own Convex Physiques? I know what it's like, a model similar looking to the whole Entity itself though it's very Lo-Poly. Does it need a specific name? Modifiers? Anything?
Oh okay, thanks! Any idea what to name the Bounding Boxes? And do I need any modifiers on the Bounding Boxes? Edit: Made some progress, deleted the boxes and have got some weird Collision results if I set it as a Character or anything else. Also, I'm using the GMF Exporter 2.1 which was avaible for download on the old Forums. May this be the reason...? I'll upload a short video of the result after I've had some Dinner! Edit2: I uploaded a video of what's happening with my collisions; http://www.megavideo.com/?v=LWGQ6713 Hope you can handle MegaVideo because I can't handle YouTube.
Okay first off, I tried to open up the vehicle_viperscout.gmf in the Model Viewer but it made the Model Viewer close... Is it protected or something? I've been playing around with the Leadwerks Editor and I've managed to implement my 3 Models (A Chassis plus Left and Right Tires) Are the names of those Meshes important? For example, I opened up the Monstertruck inside the Model Viewer and from what I understood the 'Chassis' is named STATIC_MESH. I named my xxx_xxx_chassis and haven't tried to renamed it yet but I'll do after I've posted this Topic. And as I can't open up the vehicle_viperscout.gmf could anyone give me a hint how to get the turret working? I've made a turret, pretty similar looking to the Viper except mine've got 4 Barrels. I named it 'turret' and when I load the model inside the Leadwerks Editor the turret is placed right inside the Vehicle, not on top of it where it is supposed to be? Are there any secret bone names I'm not aware of? Any help would be appreciated! Edit: • Turret misplacement fixed! • Model is looking good so far. However, the Tires won't show up. Do I need the 4 Wheels to be existant in the vehicle_xxx.gmf and still have separate vehicle_xxx_tire_left.gmf and vehicle_xxx_tire_right.gmf or do I have to use some sort of bones? Edit2: Now that I think of it, when I looked at the vehicle_monstertruck.gmf it already had the wheels there; named "tireL1, tireL2, tireR1 and tireR2". Guess I'll give that a go. Edit3: I've added the Wheels and resized all components quite a bit. It's now showing up as it should. Now I need to figure out how to do with the Collision. I found some .PDF tutorials about Collision on this Website. Guess I'll read them Edit4: Okay, I checked the vehicle_monstertruck.gmf again and saw it had 5 Boxes(Probably Collision). Thus were; • 4x Boxes covering all Wheels(Separatley). • 1x Box covering the whole 'Scene'. • 1x Box covering only the Chassis. So now I know how I need to create the Collision Boxes, but what should I name them? Does it matter what I name them? I've read the Collision Tutorial, but that was abot Programming not Modeling.
Well I'm not a complete retard at Game Development, but I'm a 3D Artist, I've got no skills whatsoever with Programming, I've made several models for mods in my life but the others made the Programming needed. And finding someone willing to do some programming for ya is hard unless you've got nothing to show off with.
It's nice that you've decided what to do later on, but learning a Scripting Language is hard, I tried and failed. So I went on to 3D Modeling instead. Learning how to Program can take several years to accomplish, but you're only 15 so you've got plenty of time to learn! Also, anything is possible in the Gaming Industry. All you need is the knowledge how to accomplish it.
Sounds like you're planning to make some sort of RPG, this is of course possible to learn. However, I'd suggest you start off with something easier. Having an MMO/RPG as your first Project is quite a bit to much. And there'll be A LOT of coding needed to be done. But anyhow, welcome to the Forums and I wish you the best of luck!
I somewhat agree to that comic, very funny too! Thanks for sharing
I totally agree, this is by far the best Game Engine I've ever worked with. Also, the price is lower than most others. Josh, we love you!
Okay, thanks for the information. I will definetly try it out! Edit: How do I get access/Where do I find these Converters you're talking about? Edit2: I downloaded the Help Documentation and it's 106 Pages full of great information! Including the Converting Process.
So basically, I can't import my own Models into the Leadwerks Editor before I buy it? Ouch...
Hiya, I tried to download the GMF Exporter for 3ds Max but it said I didn't have permission to download it... Got the following Error Code; [#10852] You do not have permission to download this file Is this tool for some users only...?
This Engine never cease to impress me. I remember I checked some Engine that were pretty similar bet were ten times more expensive. I'll play around a bit with the "Editor" to get some basic knowledge. After that I'll try to get some stuff done to show before I try to find someone willing to spend some time on doing Programming. Thanks yet again for the great answers!
Thanks for a fast and very detailed reply! On the first question, does that include them being modifyable InGame? Like you could change Wheels, Engine, Weaponry, Chassis and whatnot? Thank you for the help!
Hiya, I've been looking around for some nice Engines and I found this and it looks pretty damn sweet. And the cost, $200 is by far acceptable. I'm a 3D Artist interested in doing something serious within Game Development. I've been playing the old classic "BANDITS: Phoenix Rising" since I was a little kid, and I love it. I saw some video about this Engine with some kind of Buggy with some armament on. And it instantly reminded me of BANDITS. Looked a lot like it but of course with enhanced Graphics. From what I've read about this Engine it should be The Engine to make a tribute to BANDITS. So, I've got some questions about this Engine. And I'm no Programmer, so please, do not laugh at me... • Would it be possible to make Customizeable Vehicles? By Customizeable I mean that you can have various configurations that you create whilst ingame (At some Menu for example). Where you may choose between Chassis, Weaponry and such. Also such as adding more torque and better handling on the Vehicle but with the loss of space for additional Weaponry or vice versa? • Would the above be possible to do 'Realtime' in the Game if you're parked in some sort of 'special zone'? Such as some sort of Garage? • If I were to make some basic Vehicular Demolition Derby (Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch) how many players would the game be able to handle if played Online(Approximatley)? • Would destructable objects be possible? That's pretty much all I had in mind. I've downloaded the Evaluation Demo to play around a bit and see if it fits my needs. Which I bet it does.