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  1. no i havnt got the software yet but ive already got fps x10 and realm crafter, i might do some more realm crafter before this
  2. lol ye all it does it makes a floating cube and like a small peice of ground below it lol
  3. i had a quick read of the c++ tut on this website and i get all the first bit with the automatic project making bit but at the end it says this: Your project is now ready to build. Press F5 to compile and run. A window will open, and you will see a spinning cube with a parallax mapped material applied to it what the hell? is my game just a cube???
  4. thanks guys ive started to have a look over the web on basic c++ and im downloading the software to make programmes.
  5. lol well i tend to make a living out of making games in my later life so lol ill have to learn lmao
  6. thanks, ill have a look over it, ill start with c++ since ive herd abit about it before so slight advantage, ty.
  7. what do you mean? im only 15 at the moment and i wanted to do this as one a hobby and two for fuun for me and my friends.
  8. hi im a newbie to all of this scripting and modelling stuff but im thinking of getting Leadwerks and a modelling software. Do you think i could learn how to make a simple game like below: (i want to make a game with skills) •able to chop a tree and gain xp, mine rocks, cook food, and hunt things. •to be able to have your own house. •to have high scores on my website. is this possible for me to learn?
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