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Everything posted by SimonK

  1. If you have the time Jc84144 it would be very useful. just a couple os screen shots perhaps (i only bought UU3D for the conversation and have no idea how it works yet, or really how to use it.. one step at a time!)
  2. Hi all, I have finally got round to starting to look at the Leadwerks SDK I purchased last year for a project. However I am no artist! I am aware that Google Sketchup has a huge library of models that can be used in personal projects and I was wondering if anyone uses this application and is able to Export / Import into Leadwerks Editor without any loss. I have specifically started with a tree however when using UU3D (which has a skp plugin available to download) attempting to import and then export to gmf leaves me either issues with bone count or lack of materials. I wonder if anyone has an example or tutorial as to how to go about this? It would be really helpful in getting me started with the engine.
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