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  1. Nice. I've always been interested in people's recording setups While you're at it, you might as well replace your PC setup lol
  2. Here is the car level. This one took ages to upload. Its still processing for some reason, so just give it some time.
  3. I made the highscore in the ball level and recorded my playthrough. Gonna start attempting the car level now. Is there any negotiation around the prizes? I don't like either of the 1st place games (not saying I'm going to win or anything). I'd just much prefer the 2nd place prizes.
  4. @shadmar That looks like it'll do the trick! @Genebris That would work in most cases, but if the surface has more than one surface, it won't work. Thanks everyone! Edit: My final solution is to get the face from the Pick, then get the material from the face, just in case anyone is reading this in the future with the same question. More info here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/pickinfo/
  5. That works, thanks. Its not ideal, but there's probably no other way.
  6. I'm trying to get the material of a raycast entity, but It won't let me get the material of a CSG as I'm pretty sure the geometry gets combined for optimization. Is there a way to get the material from a CSG?
  7. Dude, that's sick! Can't wait to see those models in a game
  8. @Rick HA! Just beat your time by a whole second. I AM THE NEW CHAMPION! XD
  9. I'm impressed! Really atmospheric That old man was creepy. He just appeared out of nowhere. Was not expecting it at all. Is there a way past the path as you follow the man? He got to the end and disappeared and there was an invisible wall blocking me.
  10. Just released an update to address these points. Let me know if there are still issues with the mouse.
  11. I've finished the main concept of my game "Ball Hopper", which you can play at http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=831630240 It was inspired by CS:GO surfing and the Impossible Game and your goal is to reach the checkpoints and get to the end. Checkpoints, for a lack of a better word aren't what you'd expect of them. They're really just points that you need to touch to be able to finish the level. Some level end points are right at the start, so would be a bit silly if you could just get to the finish and win, so that's what those are for. You don't actually respawn at those points. This blog post is mainly to gather feedback before the end of the tournament, so let me know if you have any suggestions.
  12. I get that too, except mine is off to the right
  13. When I made my game for the tournament, I changed some post effect scripts, because the bloom was way too strong. When I published my game, the bloom got put back to default. What gives? I tried publishing as standalone and it's fine, but not on the steam workshop.
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