This seems like pretty basic stuff that should be working.. If we are supposed to be able to "easily create a game without ever leaving Linux."
Why don't the tool tips work on the sidebar? Who knows what button is what..
We need menu's that show us the hotkey's. Someone told me Texture Lock is Control + L where can anyone show me that on the website or in the editor? This says there are apply and pick material buttons? Where are they?
How about more right click options? Like parent/join.. Make prefab.. List goes on.
Skybox texture? In editor its glitchy.. can't Leadwerks follow Hammer's lead and have a developer skybox texture for this as representation in editor?
Sticky Control keys? Now that I am aware that control is the duplicate by dragging key, I've noticed lots of glitches and sticks.. again where are these keys and combinations listed for people to view and learn?
How about a break away menu like Hammer for rotation, translation, and scaling brushes? Clicking edit>rotate y is not gonna cut it.. Can I assign A hot key to do that? Will I have enough hot keys? lol
It's disappointing to have just purchased and not have any really hotkey cheat sheets.
If I were to review Leadwerks on steam right now, it would not reflect well like many of the other peer reviews.