Hey everyone,
ive been having very serious trouble with reading meshdata from an old game (warrock). The mesh files are saved in .smf format, but im not sure if this is something custom or if it was made with 3DWS.
From what I read .smf was a unique file format for the leadwerks engine so there shouldnt be any other engine using this. However the meshs I am facing (Jindo engine from DreamExecution) look exactly the same. The header contains a version, a filename and there is a filepath to the texture (barricade_02.dds in this case), the rest is unreadable with editors.
Can anyone try to open this/confirm me on whether this mesh was made with 3dws? I couldnt test 3dws for now, since it doesnt work with win8.
Attached a mesh file and its .dds texture. Thanks.