For those that missed the meeting or couldn't attend, here is a summary of what was said (excluding some of the more ambiguous stuff) during the meeting. I might be a bit biased as to what I remembered, so please correct me if other important points were made! Specifically, I forget what was said about multiplayer.
Here are the most important key points imo:
1. Due to the success of the model packs, many more of them will come
2. Leadwerks did really well during the Winter sales (a bunch more business talk blah blah) so there is a possibility other employees will be hired to help Josh
3. The first three planned features of 2015 are vegetation, water (similar to LE2's water plane, so nothing too fancy), and user generated content (so users can sell their own models and scripts, Josh is currently working with Valve on this)
4. A plugin system will very likely not be added to the editor, although .dlls for the engine were encouraged
5. Post-effects will not be done by Josh, at least not in the near future
6. Josh wants more example games/scripts to help people make games more easily
Just to summarize:
-User generated content/Steam store
-More scripts and example games
Unspecified (or I just forgot what the priority of these were):
-Roads (apparently terrain system was built with this in mind)
-Reintroduction of projected textures for lights
-Extended CSG tools
Not priorities:
-OGG support
-Shader effects
-Terrain holes
-Plug in system
-More accurate transparency effects
-Cutscene editor