Because I made myself some thoughts about a saving mechanic for my current project, I searched the web and especially the Leadwerks site for how to save simple game data, like the players health or position. The only kind of useful thing I found which works for LUA was this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/2103-save-data-to-lua-syntax-as-textcompressed/page__hl__save+data
and this:
I actually was able to create a data file and read it into my code with "dofile". However I didnt find out how to create/save a file with lua yet. I searched the Leadwerks API and found the Stream and FileSystem Class.
So I tried the following code:
function Script:Start()
local gamedata = FileSystem:WriteFile("Test.txt")
It didnt work, and I also dont know how it works. Where has the file been created? I searched my PC and the Projectsfolder but couldnt find such a file and I also dont get any kind of error message.
I guess this is completely wrong, but I was just playing around, because I don't have that much experience with Lua and Leadwerks. The file you can download in the first thread I posted ("TStoreData.lua") doesnt work anymore and I cant find where he saves data.
That you clearly undersand what I want. I would like to do something like this:
function Script:Start()
local gamedata = {}
gamedata.playerHealth = 100
gamedata.playerWeapon = "Sword"
gamedata.playerPos = Vec3(10, 100, 53)
FileSystem:WriteFile("gamedata.lua", gamedata)
This is just some code that you know what I mean. I know this doesnt work xD. So could you please help me out a little bit .
PS.: I kind of understood what AndyGFX wrote in his post, I just couldnt find anything how to save a file.