Hello Leadwerks Forum,
I'm new here and I am aware that animations in fbx have been discussed ( a lot ) before in several threads but all the topics I found are not directly related to my problem. Trying and testing around for two days now makes me feel that I won't find an answer by myself.
I am using Softimage 2015 to create rigs and animations for models that I want to import to Leadwerks (3.4 Indie Version) . First I create a rig with bones for animating my mesh. Then I create a shadow rig (just null objects) and then envelope and weight the mesh to this shadow rig. After animating the bones I plot all transforms on the shadow rig (Every null has now a key with SRT on every Frame), remove my constrains and delete the original bones. The animation still works, the mesh follows the shadow rig. If I export this and open it in Modo or again in XSI, everything works just fine.
However, when I import it to Leadwerks and open the model editor, I see the timeline and the hierarchy, but no animation is showing up. Here the FBX Export Settings. Is there a preferred Version or is the actual 7.4 okay?
Does anyone have a clue whats going on? Am I missing something? I tried all versions and all kinds of different settings, nothing seems to work. There is always just the mdl with no applied transformations in the editor. I will appreciate any help.