I've been reading and have noticed a few posts of people asking how to get swinging doors to work properly. Though there are two ways to go about this, one being that we could create a door using a brush then setting an offset for that door, or we could just do it the easy way and create a door using Blender.
I prefer the second method myself. The most common mistake when creating a door in any modeling program is the fact that a door only requires a single cube to make, so often enough people will think that they can just resize that object to look like a door WHILE being in object mode. This whole idea is completely false. When ever you create an object, That objects entity marker will always rest at the very center of the object. So.... a 1 meter cubes entity marker would be placed 50 cm in on each axis, hence the reason why you need to set an offset to get the door to swing from the doors edge.
Now the proper way. When you first start Blender you'll have that default cube that shows up and its object marker is already placed at 0,0,0. (Well, providing you didn't change the start up file). DO NOT MOVE THE OBJECT WHILE IN OBJECT MODE, if you do the marker will naturally move with it.
When you enter edit mode and go into wire frame mode you'll see an orange dot in the center of your object, That's the entity marker. As long as your in EDIT mode that entity marker will never move. So select your vertices, edges or faces and resize the door and move it so that orange marker rests on an edge or vertex point from where you want the door to pivot from. Then just save and export the object out and it should work correctly without the need for offsetting.
If anyone needs pictures to illustrate this, let me know. Hope this helps.