Okay I don't really like asking for help, because I like to solve things on my own to understand it more, to my self I think this is a simple question but I cant seem to wrap my head around it. The question that I need help with is how do I make the AI chase after the player, I've been trying to figure this out by my self but I cant seem to under stand it, and how would I get the position x, y, and z, value of the player.
I tried using the entity as player.x ...etc.
I also tried self.Player:GetPositon()
Script.aipos = ""
Script.airot = ""
Script.player = "" --entity "Player"
Script.playerpos = "" -- vec3 "player cords"
function Script:Start()
function Script:UpdateWorld(x, y, z)
local playerpos = self.player:GetPosition(x, y, z)
ply = self.player:GetPosition()
plyv3 = ply:ToString()
self.entity:Point(self.player, 2, Time:GetSpeed() * 0.1)
self.entity:Move(ply.x, ply.y, ply.z)
function Script:UpdatePhysics()