the last weeks in office are very bussy. But today i have some time to work on my project.
In Akt 3 i would imlement a Mortar.
I found a nice free model that i rework in blender and exported as mdl file
also i searched for some sounds and mixed them together.
For the sound i use "Audacity" becaus i get some errors in leadwerks with this sound i converted sounds with "Audio online converter"
then i work on the scirpts.
i use some parts from einlanders grenade script. and changed the projectile script and saved it to Mortal Ammo script.
at the moment it is a little buggy and i dont know what i have to chage. i think the problem is in this part:
if bullet~=nil then
Force = Vec3(0,3000,0)
if bullet.script~=nil then
bullet.script.owner = self
if type(bullet.script.Enable)=="function" then
the bullet is not always transformed into an explosion when it hits the ground. If it hits the player, then it always works.
here is the result. Sometimes it is funny how crazy the bullet goes. But now i have to look video with my daughter so i will work later on it.
if anyone knows how i align the force at the distance of the player, about help or hints i would be glad.
Also on a note why the bullet does not always explode on the ground, I would be glad. As always sorry for my english. By the way Act 3 is progressing. Below are a few pictures.