Whenever I run the AI and Events map I get a slight stutter and the FPS jumps from 60 to 30 just around the first corner. So I was just wondering if the occlusion culler is actually working at all. Back in the glorious days of BSP maps there was a way to see how the map is culled. So what's the best way to optimise occlusion of my level? Its supposed to be automatic and transparent, however I have my doubts whether it actually works efficiently. I want to see how LE3 occludes brushes that are not supposed to be rendered (one of the most important reasons why I actually got LE3).
I tried Shadmars wireframe material and applied it to all objects in the scene and then took the screenshot below. This is looking straight into the level through a wall, so majority of it should not be rendered at all. The FPS at this point is around 30. With or without the wireframe material I don't see much difference in the frame rate, perhaps it thinks that wire materials are see-through and renders all? Thanks.
Just pulled this out from LE2 docs: "Because occlusion queries are calculated with the depth buffer, occlusion culling will not work with wireframe rendering." So which material do I use to see the occlusion in action then?