Ok, so the purpose of this forum thread to to get some general help with any type of mechanic a user with bad programming skills might need for their game, think of it as an add-on to the tutorials
I myself have been having a bit of trouble with a couple of things. As you might know I'm in the process of making a game called "A Demon's Game", it's a horror game so it needs some mechanics that I myself haven't been really able to work out that well which are...
1)Battery system, seriously, I have been battling this for the longest time and I can't figure out a good way to make a system whereas the user has a bar, or a countdown number that indicates how many seconds the flashlight has left, then it shuts off and can't be turned on untill another battery is picked up. Any help with this would be amazing.
2)Leaning/peeking, this one shoulnd't be too hard to make, all it is is camera manipulation whenever the user presses Q or E. But alas, I'm too dumb to figure out this for myself
3)Sneaking, yea, this one is a though one, imagine sneaking from thief or dishonored but in a more simple way, whereas the player crouches and the monster's visibility is lowered or something that would do the same effect.
4)Something that is really simple, if you've played vectronic, you would notice the reticle when you're playing looks like these 2 lines that used to form a square but with a slice down the middle, I would like to make something similar to that, a reticle, maybe even have it change depending on what the player was looking at, for example if the player looked at a note, the reticle would change to a magnifiying glass and when the player looked around normally it would go back to the default one.
Sorry if I seem a bit hopeless with this post, but programming is the only thing that I'm not good at, so I would greatly appreciate some help!