The Cemetery An entry for the Halloween 2017 Game Jam
Hello everyone,
After a month of hard work I finally finished my first game just for Halloween Game Jam.
It's a short adventure with a spooky theme. Definitely the game needs more polishing and could be extended to a bigger story but as we know we had only a month to complete our projects.
This is a third project I have had a chance to release with Leadwerks. The first two have been abandoned due to many reasons. This particular one wasn't created fast and smooth. I had many problems with crashes of the Leadwerks player and a wierd behaviour of the engine, like:
On some machines vertical sync should be disabled or the game crashes randomly
Game crashes if player has been killed by the monster with the MonsterAI.lua script attached to it (self.entity:SetMass(0) should be commented out in the player script as found on the forum (!))
Changing some object position on the map, save and run causes crash but only first time - next were fine
Suddenly the debugger stopped to work for me.
Anyway you're invited to check out this game. Have fun!
Here is the link to the game on Itch: .