I just reinstalled Leadwerks Pro from Steam (Kubuntu 19.04).
Aside from several run time errors I am also getting
An error that says; "Failed to load project "/home/person/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects\Test1.werk".
I Get Load time errors:
Error: Failed to load font "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family/Ubuntu-L.ttf"
If I create a new Project the errors I get in the script editor are:
Failed to load font "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family/Ubuntu-L.ttf"
Failed to load texture "Materials/HUD/crosshair.tex"
Failed to load texture "Materials/HUD/use.tex"
Failed to load texture "Materials/HUD/blood1.tex"
Failed to load texture "Materials/HUD/blood2.tex"
Failed to load texture "Materials/HUD/blood3.tex"
Failed to load texture "Materials/HUD/blood4.tex"
Failed to load sound "Sound/Player/flashlight_02_on.wav"
Failed to load sound "Sound/Impact/body_punch_03.wav"
Failed to load sound "Sound/Impact/body_punch_04.wav"
Failed to load sound "Sound/Player/pickupammo.wav"
Failed to load sound "Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/step1.wav"
Failed to load sound "Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/step2.wav"
Failed to load sound "Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/step3.wav"
Failed to load sound "Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/step4.wav"
Failed to load sound "Sound/Footsteps/Concrete/jump.wav"
On interaction with ANY Import/Export in any menu causes Leadwerks 4.6 crash
How should I solve these issues and make Leadwerks more stable?
I wrote a helper program that will assist in importing 3ds, obj, dae, and dxf files. It uses part of the Autodesk FBX converter. It watches for when you save, change or rename a file in your leadwerks project folder.
Leadwerks Model Importer.zip