I'm new here. I've been using Leadwerks 4.6 Standard for around 4 days now.
So far it has mostly gone smooth and I love how easy it is to pick up.
My map uses the Sewers assets so it is fairly reliant on spotlights, point lights etc.
I added a wall light that had a lens flare effect attached to it. This looked great from
the editor. When I ran the game standalone it was flickering.
I have done a few hours of experimentation trying to track down the cause.
I don't think it is anything to do with shaders. I can switch the lensflare diffuse.shader off
from within lensflare.mat and it just results in a flickering square.
It is nothing to do with windowed/fullscreen as I tested the standalone game in both modes, same problem.
The main question I have is why would lensflare work fine when I run the map from within the editor and
not work when I run it from the standalone executable.
I created the project from the FPS template.
Any question / help would be greatly appreciated.