Hi everyone. This is my first attempt at making a level. I know it's just a simple map, and I don't plan on using it to make a real game, but it's just to practice my new skills. Anyway, I started an "Advanced First-Person Shooter" project using that template, and it automatically created two boxes, a floor and a block.
I've programmed for years, but I've never been serious about game design until about 2 weeks ago. I decided to give Leadwerks a try after a website listed it as a decent game engine ( --- that also runs on Linux --- ) emphasis added.
I have a few questions:
1. Do you suggest I leave the "floor" box at that elevation? It looks like its top side's y coordinate is at 0, if I'm assuming the correct coordinate system. I can see the grid on the top face of the floor, which looks bad.
2. Should I leave the thickness of the floor alone? It looks like it protrudes below the grid plane a ways. Are there good reasons for this?
3. When I have multiple projects, do I have to install addons for each project? That would waste a lot of storage. Is it possible to leave these models/materials/prefab/etc. in a higher parent directory, so that they can use them without wasting unnecessary storage capacity?
Thanks, looks awesome so far.