The server list seems to fail when attempting to register multiple servers from the same server but different port.
Also, it will fail to register if the name is just one word.
server = Server:Create()
System:Print("Server1 publish::" .. tostring(server:Publish("Einlanders server stub", "Testing population of server list from masterserver ")))
server2 = Server:Create(27015)
System:Print("Server2 publish::" .. tostring(server2:Publish("Einlanders server stub", "Testing population of server list from masterserver 2")))
client = Client:Create()
local servercount = client:CountServers("Einlanders server stub")
System:Print("Server Count::" .. tostring(servercount))
for i=0, servercount-1 do
remoteServerData = client:GetServer(i)
System:Print("Server Name::" .. remoteServerData.address .."#### Description" .. remoteServerData.description)
The Output:
Server1 publish::true
Server2 publish::false
Server Count::1
Server DescriptionTesting pupulation of server list from masterserver