Browsing my Steam account today and I noticed that I'm building quite a collection of software to help with my Leadwerks creations.
3D modeling:
- 3D Coat
- Blender
- Fuse
- Silo 2
- RaySupreme 3D
- UU 3D
- Autodesk FBX Converter
- Paint.Net
- Mindtex 2
- Shadertool
Music / Sound:
- Sonar
- Cakewalk Loop Manager
- Audacity
I'm using Leadwerks as a hobby so the software I have is not expensive. 3D Coat is the most expensive on the list. Some, like Audacity and Blender, are a very good and free.
Some I have barely been used. My search for a 3D modelling program has been long. RaySupreme and Silo 2 were bought on sale but I couldn't warm to them and I finally settled on 3D coat.
I bought ShaderTool thinking it would turn me into the next Shadmar. Alas no software is that good.
So what software do you have?
What am I missing from this list to turn my next game into a mindcraft success story