Hi community,
I would like your opinion on a question. I have been working on an advanced third person controller. The original idea was to sell this script on the workshop for a few dollars. What happened next is that I got contacted by @Rick and @Roland about converting this script to the Leadwerks Component System (LCS). In case you are not familiar with it: it is this really cool component and event driven system that makes creating gameplay so much more fun and managable. You can read more on it here and here.
To kind of help promote this cool system, I converted the third person controller to their system (which I call the RickRoll system). That means it will be opensource, and thus free to use and alter by anyone who wants to use the LCS.
My question to you is, should I still put the third person script on the workshop as a paid item? Note that this script works without using LCS. This one would really be drag and drop from a prefab and you are done.