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[Standard] No Access to Workshop Files

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I've successfully subscribed to several Workshop files. I saw them download through Steam and as per the below screenshot, Steam indicates them as subscribed to. However, I never see any of the assets in my Workshop folder, no matter how many times I restart. I've Verified the Integrity of the Application Cache just in case and it comes up with no issues. Could the Workshop folder be pointing somewhere incorrect maybe?



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The packages are stored in C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Leadwerks\Workshop\Cache? (I think). I'd be interested to see if you have anything there.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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In C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Leadwerks\ I have only a temp folder, Leadwerks.cfg and Leadwerks.log. The last two were updated yesterday (the last time I opened Steam Leadwerks).


If it helps, here's the contents of the log file:


Initializing OpenGL4 graphics driver...

OpenGL version 430

GLSL version 430

Device: GeForce GTX 480/PCIe/SSE2

Loading texture "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Materials/Common/bfn.tex"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Editor/terraintool.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Editor/wireframe.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Editor/solid.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Model/default.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Editor/grid.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Lighting/ambientlight.shader"...

Loading font "C:/Windows/Fonts/Arial.ttf"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Drawing/drawtext.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Drawing/drawprimitive.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Editor/skybox.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Misc/occlusionquery.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Model/Shadow/shadow.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Lighting/directionallight.shader"...

Synchronizing Workshop Files...

Loading material "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Materials/Icons/directionallight.mat"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/shaders/editor/sprite.shader"...

Loading texture "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Materials/Icons/directionallight.tex"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Lighting/directionallight.shader"...

Deleting material "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Materials/Icons/directionallight.mat"

Deleting shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/shaders/editor/sprite.shader"

Deleting texture "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Materials/Icons/directionallight.tex"

Loading material "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Materials/Icons/directionallight.mat"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/shaders/editor/sprite.shader"...

Loading texture "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Materials/Icons/directionallight.tex"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Terrain/stamp.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Terrain/updatenormals.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Terrain/clear.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Terrain/clipmap.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Terrain/terrain.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Terrain/textured.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Terrain/solid.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Terrain/wireframe.shader"...

Loading material "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Materials/Common/NavMesh.mat"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/shaders/model/flat/default.shader"...

Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/Myrago/Shaders/Drawing/drawimage.shader"...

Saving settings...

Shutting down Steam...

Closing program...


I've bolded that it is trying to synchronize the workshop files but it doesn't indicate any success or failure. Should there be more to it? Maybe no error indicates success...?


Also, this may be related to not having the underwater game on my list either after subscribing to it a week or two back.

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It will work with the indie and standard edition. The standard edition just adds some C++ templates and permissions.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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What us the full path to that folder? Maybe you have some weird unsupported characters in it?

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Leadwerks Indie Edition is where my Steam Leadwerks.exe and all the Leadwerks files are.


My projects are under C:\Leadwerks\Projects


C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\Leadwerks\ has Leadwerks.cfg and Leadwerks.log and a temp folder (with 6 small files in it)


C:\Users\x\Documents\Leadwerks has a Backup folder, Projects folder (with MyGame in it, which I think was someone else's game I installed) and a Screenshots folder.


Maybe there's another folder I didn't come across yet?


Is there a way to tell where Leadwerks is trying to save the workshop files? Because neither of those have any zip files or anything to do with Workshop.


I also just searched my entire Users folder for .zip files and workshop folder, just in case it could be under another user. No luck. sad.png

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As per Aggror's screenshot, all file names seem to start with Asset_, I searched both my drives completely for any files with that name in them. No luck (there were several copies of asset_manager.h found in my Leadwerks folder though). So it seems that for whatever reason the files don't get saved to my drive (or get deleted or are named something else for me). I'll keep investigating. Maybe I can find a program that monitors hard drive activity...


By the way, Portal 2 has a workshop folder:

D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Portal 2\portal2\maps\workshop\

which of course works.

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I have the exact same issue, I'm using LE3.2 Indie [steam].

AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition

2 x 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz Memory

Gigabyte GeForce GTX 550 Ti OC 1024MB GDDR5

Windows 7 Home 64 bit


BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro

3D Coat • ShaderMap Pro • Hexagon 2 • Photoshop, Gimp & Paint.NET


LE 2.5/3.4 • Skyline UE4 • CE3 SDK • Unity 5 • Esenthel Engine 2.0


Marleys Ghost's YouTube Channel Marleys Ghost's Blog


"I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head"

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Maybe there is some issue if SteamLibrary is on D: instead of C: ? (havent' tried), if so it would probably be a bug.

You could do a test and put LE in the default steamlibrary on C: and see if it makes a difference.

HP Omen - 16GB - i7 - Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB

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By the way, I did end up installing a file monitor (Moo0 FileMonitor v1.11 Portable). Here's the log it generated when I subscribed to an item.



So it turns out I do have random folders where I have several upload.zip files (not the same file name structure Aggror has). Maybe I can manually copy them...

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This is where files are stored on my machine:



When files are downloaded, they print out a message:

Print("Downloading item \"" + files[i].title+"\"...");

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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I found the account option under Settings -> Cloud. Where do you enable it specifically for the app? I went to Library, right-clicked on Leadwerks, went to Properties but none of the 5 tabs at the top mention anything about the Cloud when you click on them.


... wow. Just launched the editor and it's downloading a mess of stuff.


Success! Maybe my app setting (wherever it is) is already correct as the Workshop folder now has stuff in it!! YAY!!!


(And naturally I now have a Workshop folder under C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\Leadwerks\Workshop\251810)



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