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Short example of Math::ATan2


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Today I got into little problem with how to get a entity to look at a specific point Vec3(x, 1, z).

I would suggest updating the Math::ATan2 documentation to include an example of how to do this with both C++ and Lua.

I found this explaination usefull.


Another suggestion could be to add a method for Entity class. Maybe something like:

Entity::LookAtXZ(..) for 2d look at XZ (still usefull for 3d)

Entity::LookAtXYZ(..) for 3d look at (ie: a players head looking at something, just like minecraft does)

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Put an entity there?


Long answer:


Create a box at the start of your program. Hide it.


Whenever you need to point something at a location:

  • Unhide box
  • Position it to location
  • Point entity at box
  • Hide box

Thats quite a creative solution I must say, but still I think a Entity::LookAt(..) would look cleaner way to do it.

This works and I think this is something that LE should have:

void LookAt(Vec3 lookAt)
// Calculate angle from point A towards point B
Vec3 tv = lookAt - obj->GetPosition();
float tRoty = Math::ATan2(tv.x, tv.z);
// Look at point B (height is excluded)
obj->SetRotation(Vec3(0.0f, tRoty, 0.0f));


EDIT: Physics must be set to rigid mode temporary when SetRotation

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I would like an Entity:LookAt() function. Would save me some lines of messy math code.

Also you could use SetInput(rot.y) for a character controller instead of switching its physics mode temporarily to use SetRotation(0,rot.y,0). At least I think that should work.

Check out my game Rogue Snowboarding- 


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