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Where can I find this example map?


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I was searching for information on making traditional doors (i.e., those that swing outward) and found this article about the addition of joint motors: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1138-leadwerks-30-updated-with-joint-motors/


In it, it mentions a new example map showing doors that swing open. I cannot find this map anywhere. Does anyone happen to know where it can downloaded from?



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That style of map from Leadwerks 3.0 is actually what lead to the creation of the current example maps. However, that map itself was never included in Leadwerks 3.1 on Steam.

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It's actually almost the exact same thing as the example doors map, which is included with Leadwerks:



The only difference is it uses the swinging door script instead of the sliding door script.

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There is an example of the sliding door script being used in the Tutorial: Switches and Events map. The video can be found here:

and the tut is here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/editor/switches-and-the-flowgraph-r104

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Here's what I did:


1 - Loaded up the tutorial map 03-Doors and saved it with a new name. That way any mistakes won't render the tutorial map useless should it be needed in the future.


2 - Using the second set of doors, I replaced the sliding door script for both doors with the swinging door one.


3 - Opened up the Flowgraph Editor and made sure the BoXTrigger:CollisionTrigger Collision() option was linked to the slidingdoor_left:SwingingDoor Open() and slidingdoor_right:SwingingDoor Open() options. If those don't exist in the Flowgraph Editor you may need to drag the door objects in to the Flowgraph Editor screen.


4 - Set the values in the script for slidingdoor_left: Offset 0.0, 0.0, 1.0; Pin 0.0, 1.0, 0.0


5 - Set the values in the script for slidingdoor_right: Offset 0.0, 0.0, -1.0; Pin 0.0, -1.0, 0.0


The trick will be getting the right combination of values to have any door opening on the side and in the direction you want.


Hope that helps.

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Glad to hear you got it working. I will add though that depending on the size and position of your door, you'll want to mess around with which actual offset to use (x, y, z) and try sizes that are smaller than 1.0. I found that for a door with a width of 128 cm, an offset of 0.7 works rather well.

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