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Mixamo Model Animation Problems


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I'm able to import models in FBX from Mixamo, but only for one animation sequence. For example, I created a model using their free Steam version, then used their free locomotion pack which adds quite a few basic animation sequences, like walking, running, turning, etc. They provide the download either as all animations in one FBX file (all in a single sequence), or it can be downloaded as the model/skin + first animation FBX and additional animations are in separate FBX files. I imported all of the FBX files into Leadwerks and then tried to load the additional animations into the skinned model but nothing happens I clicked File, Load Animation.


I also ran into another problem related to this. Mixamo's models are huge. So I resized the height (Tools, then Resize) and in doing so I lost the animation. It appears that just saving the model causes the animation to be lost.


Here's a link to the zip containing the FBX's files. It's the zip directly from Mixamo:



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The problem is due to the mdl animations that do not have a skin mesh associated with them. Right now the only way to add/load animations in the model editor is for the loaded animation to have a surface/mesh. This is not intended as it wasn't this way for LE2 and when brought up to Josh last week, it wasn't supposed to be that way for LE3.


The only thing I could suggest at the moment is for you to either load all the animations into the character using third party tools or for you export each animation with a skin from mixamo then load them into the character using the LE3 model editor.


As far as the resizing, I haven't had that problem scaling mixamo characters down, other than having to delete the version in my editor scene and then placing a new one in there after scaling in the model editor for it appear to take effect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The problem with these models is the animation model hierarchies do not match the base model. The base model has an extra node in the hierarchy.

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  • 4 months later...

Correct.. The mixamo characters work fine with animating (i use UU3D and save them as gmt and rename them to mdl) apply LE animating shaders. Download from mixamo as skinned. There is one problem i still have being a 3D dev and a total Lua Noob. i attached the following script to a char

(The animation works fine but it stays at the same place and doesn't follow the path along the pivots). Replacing the mesh with the default crawler ...it works great. any ideas? so same setup is used


Here a copy of the script and thanks in advance!






function Script:Start()









function Script:UpdatePhysics()


if self.entity:GetPosition():DistanceToPoint(self.patrol[self.currentpatrol])<1 then


if self.currentpatrol>=3 then







function Script:Draw()


local t = Time:GetCurrent()



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Guys

Still have the same problem as descibed in previous thread by me,using the script by Nick.ace (thanks Nick).

Offcourse the default crawler works fine, but for example rigs from dexsoft, arteria, Fuse and the ones i made in MODO801 myself

seem not to be able to go to the specified waypoint. Animation works fine on all models.

Wierd thing is. even removing the animation the entity doesn't follow (goto) the specified waypoints.It doesn't move at all.

Maybey related to Character Controller settings? (for the record I used the crawler settings)

Or am i missing some script related things (I'm a LUA and programming noob)


Any ideas


HP Z820 workstation / 2 x Intel Xeon Processor E5-2650 v2 8c / 64GB / Geforce 980 gtx

/ MODO801 / MARI / ZBrush 4R7 / UU3D / Substance Designer / PS

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