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Is Leadwerks Engine suitable for a RPG game?


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Hi all,

I haven't bought the engine yet, but I want to discover more about this software.

I want to make my own games, expecially a Role Playing Game.

I've read on the web that Leadwerks engine support Lua, a very easy-to-learn language.

Is this engine suitable for a RPG? Does it support 2D graphic to display Health, Level, Armor and Inventory?

Thank you :D

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Hello sabino,


Short answer: yes Leadwerks can do that.


Long answer: from your post I am making the assumption that you are not too familiar with game development yet. An RPG is an immense amount of work that even for 1 professional is something very difficult to achieve. if you are going to make games, start out with something simple at first. You will experience that that is difficult enough on its own. We are happy to help you here on the forum if you have any further questions.

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