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CRASHES every minute! PLUS it FREEZES Steam! REFUND?


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OK... So i totally didn't check the reviews on your software... And now I'm sorry.


Your program CRASHES every time I try to run it... PLUS it crashes my Steam when I TRY TO UNINSTALL IT!


I need a full refund. Who do I see about this?


Please help.

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EVERYTHING is running fine, EXCEPT Leadworks.

I have the driver I use for over 100 games, it's stable and works fine... EXCEPT with Leadwerks via Steam.


I'd like a version that runs, yes... via Steam or not. However since publishing through Steam is something I'm interested in, I'd like this to work the way it's advertised.


Solutions please?

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Macklebee explained the Steam-crash issue....


I'll fiddle around with the program for a few days. I'm quite familiar with issues arising from Steam updates so it's no stranger to me that the application would also be affected at some point.


For now.. all is clear. Kudos to Macklebee for his assistance!


But do you have the latest graphics card drivers?


I generally never go with "the latest" drivers.. I keep the one's that are known to be stable.

I'm not new to gaming, graphics or video drivers.


As a note to the author.


TUTORIAL 7 crashes when firing.

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Have you successfully installed LE3 already on your PC ?

If yes, you can launch LE3 using the desktop shortcut , you'll not have the BootStraper crash error.


You could download the LE3 demo Steam store crashing and luanch it usin the icon on desktop to see if your PC is compatible ?

Stop toying and make games

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tutorial 7 is fixed. Opt into the beta branch to get the fix now, and update your project, and it will work perfectly.


Sorry for the Steam trouble.

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My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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