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[Linux] GetMousePosition().z seems to never not be 0


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Taking the risk that this is another derpy bug report on my part because today is the day I miss obvious things.


After a fellow forumite has kindly pointed out to me how to get the mousewheel with the z axis of Window::GetMousePosition() I tried to do just that and I'm just not seeing a value in the z component other than 0.


To make sure the fast update doesn't simply always reset my text output I made sure to only capture values other than 0.


if self.window:GetMousePosition().z ~= 0 then mwheel = self.window:GetMousePosition().z end
self.context:DrawText("Mouse Wheel axis: " ..mwheel,2,14)


Directly below the FPS counter in App.lua. I defined mwheel in App:Start() as 0.1, turns out it never changes, ergo the z axis is never not 0.


This works for x and y without problems but z is always 0 so I'm fairly certain this is not being an idiot again.

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