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DRM free Download

Gyrth McMulin

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I've been following Leadwerks for some time now, and have been kicking myself for not buying it when it was on sale. Anyhoo, I was wondering why the store on the website has dissapeared. Usually when I clicked Store it would show you the different versions of Leadwerks you can buy. Now it just links to the Steam store page.


I would like the buy a DRM free version of Leadwerks, for Linux. I know it was possible in the past. I tried out a beta. And if it would include a Steam key that would be grand. So if the website ever becomes offline I could use Steam. And if I can't use Steam I can just download it off the website.


I tried googleing and the forum search but I could not find anything about this.





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Wow, I didn't notice that the store link now redirects to Steam.

It has been evident for quite some time that Josh wants to focus on Steam, so removing the on-site store seems to be an understandable choice.


Buy it from Steam, that's where all the new stuff is landing. Don't buy it from the hidden store, it's hidden for a reason.

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