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How Do I Add Multiple Scripts To Player


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I am brand new to this and was wondering how I add multiple scripts like an inventory script to the player...

I pm'ed Josh on this one and I didn't quite understand much of it (sorry Josh =/)


here is what I put:



my main question is how do I add multiple scripts to a player character so I can add inventory, health bar etc. to him??


and he put:


"We use a design of one script per entity. This eliminates a lot of problems when you are writing more advanced scripts. For example, with our system it's easy to find the "health" value of an entity:

health = entity.script.health


During development, we also tried it with multiple scripts and found it got really messy very quickly. "


I really do appreciate everyone's input (especially Josh's) but I just don't understand this yet so if anyone can help I would be a million times grateful! =)

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