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Error: File open by another program.


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Hi i have just recently been getting the following error when trying to import fbx or tga


waiting for file...

waiting for file...

waiting for file...

waiting for file...

waiting for file...

Error: File open by another program.


Steps i have tried


Restarting computer

Del the files

Reimporting the files


It says it is in use but its not :/



Asus Extreme v x99, Intel I7, Windows 8.1 64 Bit, SSD, Geforce GTX 980 4GB, 16GB Ripjaw DDR4

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That means another program has the file locked and it can't be opened.


Is it open in another program? Is the file being saved from somewhere? How exactly are you importing these?

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Hi Josh the file wasnt in use no but you can close as i got it working where before i could just drag the files to the required folder and leadwerks would convert it now no longer works for me i have to drag it into the program its self.

Asus Extreme v x99, Intel I7, Windows 8.1 64 Bit, SSD, Geforce GTX 980 4GB, 16GB Ripjaw DDR4

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So if you copy the file with Windows Explorer, you get this error.


On the other hand, if you drag those files onto the program window, you do not get the error.



  • Are you copying the files, or moving them? There is a big difference because copying is slower.
  • Are they large files? It sounds like maybe Windows explorer is still writing the file.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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That is correct yes only get the error when i drag the files to the folder.


I am dragging not copy/paste


They are around 1,024kb


even if i move them to the folder and restart the computer in case anything is using it then leadwerks refuses to load just says waiting on file

Asus Extreme v x99, Intel I7, Windows 8.1 64 Bit, SSD, Geforce GTX 980 4GB, 16GB Ripjaw DDR4

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