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CallOutputs in C++ does notting?


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My code boils down to this;


in C++

Leadwerks::World* world = Leadwerks::World::GetCurrent();
Leadwerks::Entity* e=world->FindEntity(EntityName);
if ( output ) {



in the first lua script


function Script:TestOutput(event)--out
print("[Lua] TestOutput");
if ( type(event)=="table" ) then
print ( "TestOutput has event data")


in the 2nd lua script

function Script:TestInput(event) --in
print("[Lua] TestInput");
if ( type(event)=="table" ) then
print ( "TestInput has event data")



Calling the function TestOutput works - it ends up calling TestInput, but when I try to skip the middle man and call "TestOutputxx" notting happens.


Is that a bug or am I missing something?



ps. code tags are murdering my indentation - sorry about that


Linux Mint 17 ( = Ubuntu 14.04 with cinnamon desktop ) Ubuntu 14.04, AMD HD 6850, i5 2500k

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