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[SOLVED]It's different from I think


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This morning, Leadwerks ushered in a minor update, and then prompts you must update my project, but I do not know how to do it.


So I want to delete my porject, and then import it. So I clicked Delete button in Porject Manager, but I lost my files, from folder and trash.

Please forgive my poor English.



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On Windows, it will move the folder to the recycle bin. I haven't figured out how to do this on Linux yet. Which OS are you using?


To update a project, open the project manager and press the "Update" button.

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On Windows, it will move the folder to the recycle bin. I haven't figured out how to do this on Linux yet. Which OS are you using?


To update a project, open the project manager and press the "Update" button.

Oh, I found it, thank you!post-12936-0-93170000-1413913506.png

Please forgive my poor English.



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On Windows, it will move the folder to the recycle bin. I haven't figured out how to do this on Linux yet. Which OS are you using?


To update a project, open the project manager and press the "Update" button.


Apparently the XDG standard for this is $XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash and if $XDG_DATA_HOME isn't set it should default to $HOME/.local/share/Trash (which is the standard trash folder under Ubuntu).

So, first check if the data home one exists, if yes, move the folder there. If not, check for the one in .local/share and move the folder there. If both don't exist yell "Fix yo Loonix, dawg!" at the user.

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Apparently the XDG standard for this is $XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash and if $XDG_DATA_HOME isn't set it should default to $HOME/.local/share/Trash (which is the standard trash folder under Ubuntu).

So, first check if the data home one exists, if yes, move the folder there. If not, check for the one in .local/share and move the folder there. If both don't exist yell "Fix yo Loonix, dawg!" at the user.

liu@tp:~$ ls $XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash

ls: 无法访问/Trash: 没有那个文件或目录

liu@tp:~$ ls $HOME/.local/share/Trash

expunged files info

Fix yo Loonix, dawg!

What is Loonix ?

Please forgive my poor English.



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Sorry, this was directed at Josh to help him find out how he should implement deleting projects by moving them to the trash on Linux. The last bit was a joke. An intentional misspelling of Linux to Loonix, loon being slang for lunatic, a crazy person.

oh, I did not lack a sense of humor, I'm just a lack of vocabulary. China's exam-oriented education. sad.png

Please forgive my poor English.



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