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Crash with beta 3.3 on windows 8.1 64bit nvidia 750ti


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Bug report.


Both the debugger and run crash.


The map is loaded onto the workshop. I've cut it down to its bare essentials to show the bug.


The box2 has a mass of 6 although this does not seem to matter.


If the box is made smaller in the x direction it seems to crash less.


if the box is lifted out of the terrain it seems to crash less


If the box is placed in different positions the box may fly out of the ground in a different manner.


The crash can occur immediately on start of the display or after a couple of seconds.


I've had the crash before and after the patch update released today. 30/10/2014


With a particular size and position the crash is consistent, and happens each run/debug.


With other sizes and positions the non crash is consistent.


I think that the bug is somehow related to the physics.


I have managed to place the box into the terrain so that it will fly right out of the top of the view, you can turn and watch it spinning as it flies past, and doesn't cause a crash.

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I think I found the cause. If I increase the value DG_MAX_COLLIDING_FACES the crash does not occur. Seems like pretty sloppy coding, if that is the case. I am discussing this with Julio.

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