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Please tell me how to export mdl model with animation from Blender in.


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It's my blender file:



It's my mdl file:




I use Blender 2.72b




But it without animation in leadwerks model editor.


Where is the problem?




Specify the model textures before I export to mdl file, the problem is solved.


But model is flash in model editor with Linux(Ubuntu 14.04). In Windows 7, the model don't flash.

Please forgive my poor English.



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I'm not experienced at all with animation but I think I've found your problem. You have forgotten to actually apply your mirror and armature modifiers. As long as a modifier isn't applied, whatever that modifier does doesn't really exist yet.

For example, your mirror modifier: As long as it isn't applied the mirrored half of your model doesn't really exist as vertex data yet but rather is calculated on the fly, as soon as you hit that Apply button, the vertices and faces are actually created.


The Blender exporter knows that and does it for you but there is one problem:


When you apply the armature modifier the bones seem to lose the connection to their vertex group. That's why nothing moves in the final model.


I think the best solution here is to apply the Armature modifier and re-attach the bones to their respective vertex groups and reexport the model.


You should still keep a version of your blender file around from before you applied the modifiers because once they are applied it's a permanent change to the model.

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I'm not experienced at all with animation but I think I've found your problem. You have forgotten to actually apply your mirror and armature modifiers. As long as a modifier isn't applied, whatever that modifier does doesn't really exist yet.

For example, your mirror modifier: As long as it isn't applied the mirrored half of your model doesn't really exist as vertex data yet but rather is calculated on the fly, as soon as you hit that Apply button, the vertices and faces are actually created.


The Blender exporter knows that and does it for you but there is one problem:


When you apply the armature modifier the bones seem to lose the connection to their vertex group. That's why nothing moves in the final model.


I think the best solution here is to apply the Armature modifier and re-attach the bones to their respective vertex groups and reexport the model.


You should still keep a version of your blender file around from before you applied the modifiers because once they are applied it's a permanent change to the model.


Thanks, but I click apply button, and then re-attach the bones to their respective vertex groups, this mdl file still no animation.


In the model editor, I can't see animation, but shadows moving.






I use Ubuntu 14.04.

Please forgive my poor English.



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