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Find a world entity in C++


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I tested the Map hook but it works partially.


In the attached image you can see my hook which prints the name of each object sent to the hook by Map::Load. The only entity seems to be the light. The two boxes in the scene never shows up in the hook.

Any suggestions ?




According to the docs EVERY entity loaded will reach the hook




This function loads a Leadwerks map (*.map) file.


  • static bool Load(const std::string& path, int flags=LoadScripts, const uint64_t fileid=0)
  • static bool Load(const std::string& path, void hook(Entity* entity, Object* extra), Object* extra=NULL, const int flags=LoadScripts, const uint64_t fileid=0);


  • path: the file path to load the scene from.
  • hook: pointer to a function that will be called for each loaded entity in the scene.
  • hookname: script function name that will be called for each loaded entity in the scene.

Roland Strålberg
Website: https://rstralberg.com

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