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Move To


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A "move to" command in the level editor would be great! Imagine, you move the camera (scene view) where you want, then select an object, press move to, and its automatically where you are! This would be perfect for positioning cameras exactly how you want them, or directional lights. Hopefully you understand what i'm trying to get across here, its a big oofy. Beyond this though, I only have two minor requests, brushes with the terrain editor, and terrain editor painting, when you paint a texture, if its like the first layer and another layer is painted over it, it would be cool if it erased those overlaying layers and painted back on the first layer. Anyways, that's all! -Michael S


EDIT: I know there is a move to command for centering an object in the view, but this is not what I mean! Also, I forgot to mention that when you select pick material, it won't let you deselect pick material! That is all! -Michael S

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