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Random map changer


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Hey so I have been messing around with the map changer that came with leadwerks (copied it and renamed it so I have the original still) to choose between random seed maps (initial starting areas the rest is generated) but when it tried to change maps it crashes or gives me a lua stack overflow issue. Is there something wrong with my code? Here it is.

This script will act as a trigger to change the current map.
Place this at the end of your map to make the player progress
to the next level.
Script.mapname[0] = "" --string "Map Name"
Script.mapname[1] = "" --string "Map Name"
Script.mapname[2] = "" --string "Map Name"
Script.mapname[3] = "" --string "Map Name"
function Script:Start()
    self.counter = 0
function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed)
changemapname = math.random(0,3)
function Script:Enable()--in
if self.enabled==false then
function Script:Disable()--in
if self.enabled then

Will Hall

Morphodox Studios

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I haven't tried it but i think it is not possible to make attributes like this directly into a lua table.


you might need to make normal variables instead and add these later to your lua table.


(all code untested)

Script.mapfile0 = ""--path "Map File 0" "Map file:map"
Script.mapfile1 = ""--path "Map File 1" "Map file:map"
Script.mapfile2 = ""--path "Map File 2" "Map file:map"
Script.mapfile3 = ""--path "Map File 3" "Map file:map"


and then inside



local maxMaps = 3
self.mapname = {}
for n=0,maxMaps do
if _G["mapfile"..tostring(n)] ~= "" then
mapname[n] = _G["mapfile"..tostring(n)]


EDIT: forget the last code since that only works for global variables.

But i guess you get what i mean.

Edited by beo6
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  On 12/26/2014 at 2:55 AM, beo6 said:

I haven't tried it but i think it is not possible to make attributes like this directly into a lua table.


you might need to make normal variables instead and add these later to your lua table.


(all code untested)

Script.mapfile0 = ""--path "Map File 0" "Map file:map"
Script.mapfile1 = ""--path "Map File 1" "Map file:map"
Script.mapfile2 = ""--path "Map File 2" "Map file:map"
Script.mapfile3 = ""--path "Map File 3" "Map file:map"


and then inside



local maxMaps = 3
self.mapname = {}
for n=0,maxMaps do
if _G["mapfile"..tostring(n)] ~= "" then
mapname[n] = _G["mapfile"..tostring(n)]


EDIT: forget the last code since that only works for global variables.

But i guess you get what i mean.


so I would change the map selection back to the default? then call the table later? or would I set it as you have above and put the name of the map directly in the quotes? I have a similar code (what I took the random from) for random spawns. I adjusted it with the trigger touch to make this.

Will Hall

Morphodox Studios

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i don't know what you mean with

put the name of the map directly in the quotes?


but after you assigned the maps each into its own variable you can assign these into a table.


Here is a working script now.

This script will act as a trigger to change the current map.
Place this at the end of your map to make the player progress
to the next level.
Script.mapfile0 = ""--path "Map File 0" "Map file:map"
Script.mapfile1 = ""--path "Map File 1" "Map file:map"
Script.mapfile2 = ""--path "Map File 2" "Map file:map"
Script.mapfile3 = ""--path "Map File 3" "Map file:map"
function Script:Start()
self.mapname = {}
if self.mapfile0 ~= "" then
 self.mapname[1] = self.mapfile0
if self.mapfile1 ~= "" then
 self.mapname[2] = self.mapfile1
if self.mapfile2 ~= "" then
 self.mapname[3] = self.mapfile2
if self.mapfile3 ~= "" then
 self.mapname[4] = self.mapfile3
function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed)
local changeMapNr = math.random(1,#self.mapname)
if changemapname == nil then

 --fix for changemap part in default App.lua
 local changeToMapFileFix = string.gsub(self.mapname[changeMapNr], ".map$","")
 changeToMapFileFix = string.gsub(changeToMapFileFix, "^.*/","")

 changemapname = changeToMapFileFix


However i would change the changemap part in the App.lua to accept not only a mapname but the path including the file extension.

Then you could remove the "fix for changemap part in default App.lua" part and still have the file selectors in the editor.

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Thank beo6 that's helpful. I am going to be adding in a bunch of seeds, so this will help a lot :D. I was told not to mess with the app.lua though, so would it be fine just to tweek this code a bit? I am going to be adding in a load screen image as well so it doesn't look frozen :P

Will Hall

Morphodox Studios

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You can tweak the code how you want.


Another small thing you should add is a check which entity type collides with it.

Currently everything that collides with the trigger will start the mapchange. But you will most likely only want to have the player change the map.

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