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Published Game - DCL Item not able to equip


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added the M4wld from the "FPS Weapons Pack" DCL to my Level and set the properies like they are set at the Demo Level, that comes with the DCL. All works fine, weapon is equippable and fires in DEBUG (F5) and RUN (F6) Mode.

When I do pubish the Game and run the MyGame.exe, the M4 gun is no longer equippable (the hand apprears, but You cant pick it up).


The Hand works on other things like opening a door (hand appears, Pressing "E", Door opens).


Does anyone might have a hint for me?

That would be great.


C.U. R.E.Z.

Leadwerks Standart Edition RTS Creator

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Beta participation is required for this to be fixed. I had the same issue and after opting in for the 7th time now, it is fixed once again. I keep getting bumped from participation for some reason. I might need to learn how to play well with others first.angry.png

Asus sabertooth 990FX, AMD FX 9590 , Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit, 4 HDD's Western Digital Caviar Black set in Raid 0, 16 GB Crucial Ballistix Elite, Asus Radeon R9 270 X 4GB, Corsair CM750M,

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