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Sprite tex coords

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I want to use sprites, parented to the camera in billboard mode to display messages to the player. However I notice that textures applied to sprites are 'flipped' horizontally - e.g. an image with text on it has 'backwards' text when this texture is applied to the sprite.


Its easy enough to flip my images horizontally, but it seems like this is a bug - Is there a reason for the sprite texcoords being set up like this?


I am on the Steam Indie Beta version for Linux.

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I tried SetAngle(), but that just rotates the sprite around the axis perpendicular to the camera - it can't correct the 'horizontal flip'


I guess I could use DrawText/DrawImage but i want to animate these 'messages' - they will be more like comic-style 'BIFF', 'POW!' type things so its easier to place and animate them with sprites.

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