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Otter Demo


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This is a short video of what I am currently working on in Leadwerks.


Its supposed to feature a Beaver as the main character, but I havent finished the models yet, so used what I had (an otter)


Its all programmer-art, but I have to say its been really easy and fun putting this together in Leadwerks.



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Yeah, water is something I am definitely waiting for. I tried shadmar's water shader which was posted in another thread, which looked good from a distance, and mostly worked, but my model seemed to flicker badly and render wrong when it was in the water, hopefully 'official' water will not suffer from this.

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Haven't made a post lately.. had to go back to my day-job after my holiday which has put a dent in my productivity.


Working on getting my fish swimming round.. This is a very WIP thing (I was pretty happy to see them actually swimming around and not spinning wildly or swimming off through the walls into the distance), but the wall avoidance is broadly working which is the main thing i want to achieve - its based on raycasting/steering, no physics used yet - I think with some refinement it should give me some plausible fish to go in my river.



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Yeah all the animation could use a lot of work - its really a 'first pass' to get something playable in place - none of the characters even have eyes at this point.


And yes the fish steering is not 100% yet - I have tried dialling out the abrupt turns, but this causes issues with swimming through boundaries in some cases, and being lost forever - I have a number of ideas how to improve/smooth it out and add additional behaviours - but for now i'm just happy to see them swimming around, instead of lying on the river bed.


So yes, this will all be polished further, and hopefully I will be able to post an actually playable demo soon

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Started working on some better trees, which are coming along slowly.. Need to reach a useful compromise between polygon count and good looking leaves/shadows..


Also did a basic model for my crows (they will throw pinecones and/or swoop down and attack the beaver unless pacified somehow (not sure on exact mechanism, possibly they need a special type of tree branch for their nest you can find and chew down in a certain place in the forest. No textures or animation yet, so they look a bit **** just sitting there with wings extended, but thought I would post something..





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I have been playing around adding trees, vegetation and rocks to break up the terrain and to get some more interesting shadows in the scene. In some parts of this movie you can see some weird artifacting in the shadows, presumably because of the distances involved, but i'm really liking how leadwerks renders this stuff in general. Please ignore the bird, the animation is all messed up right now.



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