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#RESOLVED# settings for characters RE: Hitbox


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When I import a character and set him up, they function correctly but it seems as if the automatic hit box isnt there. Am I doing something wrong here?


The character has the character controller, character collision, mass of 20 and angle of 180 which makes everything work except the hit box. If I set the swept collision to true, shooting them does nothing to him and setting to false does nothing. He is able to attack me if with in range.


If I set him to a rigid body with out the character collision his animations play and he can be killed.


Im using the latest release with the Beta participation if that makes any difference.

Asus sabertooth 990FX, AMD FX 9590 , Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit, 4 HDD's Western Digital Caviar Black set in Raid 0, 16 GB Crucial Ballistix Elite, Asus Radeon R9 270 X 4GB, Corsair CM750M,

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When i view the character with the physics option on, I can see a cylinder at the character. really means nothign other than that character has collision. IF i make a CSG cylinder and attach it as a child and name it hit box and apply the invisable.mat to it, every thing works as it should. Now im wondering, if the hit box it automatically generated and attached, why am i having to do this?


Before the implementation of the auto hitbox, I never had to do anything what so ever to make killing a character possible.


EDIT: Apparently, I needed to add


to my AI script to make it work. I didnt see this in the documentation on the function.

I sure am glad the forums are here for me to work through my issues. I think Ive solved almost all of them on my own by posting here. . . . I guess thats what I get for playing in the sandbox after the cat has been here!

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Asus sabertooth 990FX, AMD FX 9590 , Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit, 4 HDD's Western Digital Caviar Black set in Raid 0, 16 GB Crucial Ballistix Elite, Asus Radeon R9 270 X 4GB, Corsair CM750M,

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