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Space Movement


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Have you tried setting the root gravety to 0 and the player mass to 0?

and then use the space (jump key to go up) and the crouch key to go down,


I have seen a modified fps script with crouch enabled on it here somewhere...

as of 3rd person, I have not tried that yet but I want to and a top down ....


Hope this helps...

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root mass to 0 and object mass to .1. The engine still exhibits drag/friction with no gravity. Things set in motion eventually stop, you may seg fault or run out of space before it does though. You can check this out by making in a flat surface to walk on, a prop with weight, and the fps creator. Set the gravity to 0 and walk into a movable object. it will move and eventually stop. You can walk off your walking surface and you will not fall off. Oddly you can still walk around without ground.

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