YouGroove Posted January 18, 2015 Share Posted January 18, 2015 I don't know if someone made it successfull and easy to implement ? But i would like to see ragdoll coming some day as opponents lying on the air is not looking so good. Quote Stop toying and make games Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olby Posted January 18, 2015 Share Posted January 18, 2015 I've seen ragdolls implemented both in LE2 and LE3. So its possible. The only problem is getting the physics shapes and joints setup properly. That will depend on your model hierarchy (human bones vs. animals etc.). Dig the old community downloads section for an example in LE3. Quote Intel Core i7 Quad 2.3 Ghz, 8GB RAM, GeForce GT 630M 2GB, Windows 10 (x64) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YouGroove Posted January 18, 2015 Author Share Posted January 18, 2015 The only problem is getting the physics shapes and joints setup properly In some engines ragdoll is simply based on bones, sometimes you need to do nothing or just adjust collision volumes. Anyway having out of the box someday in LE3 would be good for all people making games with LE3, not only me Quote Stop toying and make games Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gamecreator Posted January 18, 2015 Share Posted January 18, 2015 This may not help but it's out there: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YouGroove Posted January 18, 2015 Author Share Posted January 18, 2015 Thanks gamecreator, seeing video it lead mean to this thread with code examples : Hummm , that's heavy code --[[ Leadwerks Soldier Entity Script by Paul "Masterxilo" Frischknecht (c) 2010 Paul Frischknecht/Hurricane-Eye Entertainment visit =========Usage========= This soldier model is designed to be controlled completely through messages. It creates it's very own character controller and has all the animations set up. All that is left to do is controlling it. =========Messages========= -Message- -Parameters- -Function- "Jump" N/A Makes the character controller jump if it's on the ground. "SetHeading" "<y angle in °>" Sets the direction where the model should point/walk to when moving forward. "SetMovement" Any of: Sets the correct animation and makes the character move. "MOVE_FORWARD" If no movement is specified, the character will stop moving and play the idle animation. "MOVE_FORWARD_LEFT" "MOVE_FORWARD_RIGHT" "MOVE_BACK" "MOVE_BACK_LEFT" "MOVE_BACK_RIGHT" "MOVE_LEFT" "MOVE_RIGHT" "" For an example of using the model, see the soldier game script. Problems: Animation of current lod stage resets after game mode of non-game soldiers... (only sometimes?!) ]] -- Required scripts require("Scripts/class") require("Scripts/math/math") require("Scripts/hooks") require("Scripts/Constants/collision_const.lua") -- Create the class local class=CreateClass(...) math.randomseed(AppTime()) -- Constants class.NTSC_FPS = 29.97 class.BLENDCHANGE_SPEED = 0.05 class.TURN_STEPS = 5 class.MOVE_STEPS = 3 class.MOVE_SPEED_FW = 4.5 class.MOVE_SPEED_SIDE = 3.2 class.MOVE_SPEED_BACK = 3 class.JUMP_FORCE = 4.0 class.animsLoaded = 0 class.anims = {} class.run_sound = LoadSound('abstract::zombie.wav') class.jump_sound = LoadSound('abstract::z_jump.wav') zombie_mode = 0 --turn on or off zombie mode (chaising camera) SetPhysicsQuality(0) -- =======Animation handling======= -- Loads an animation for all LoD's of the model and remember it's sequence id. -- Per class (but requires one unique model instance) function class:loadAnimation(model, animFilename, animId) AppLog("Loading animation "..AbstractPath(animFilename).."...") local sequenceId --lodCount = CountChildren(model) lodCount = CountModelLODEntities(model)--NEW as of LE2.5 for childId = 0, lodCount-1 do --sequenceId = LoadAnimation(GetChild(model, childId), animFilename) sequenceId = LoadAnimation(GetModelLODEntity(model,childId), animFilename)--NEW as of LE2.5 end self[animId] = sequenceId end function class:clearAnimations(model) ClearAnimation(model) --lodCount = CountChildren(model) lodCount = CountModelLODEntities(model)--NEW as of LE2.5 for childId = 0, lodCount-1 do --ClearAnimation(GetChild(model, childId)) ClearAnimation(GetModelLODEntity(model, childId))--NEW as of LE2.5 end class.animsLoaded = 0 end -- Loads all animations (per class) function class:loadAnimations(model) class:clearAnimations(model) class:loadAnimation(model, "abstract::anim_soldier_idle.gmf", "animIdleId") class:loadAnimation(model, "abstract::anim_soldier_run.gmf", "animRunId") class:loadAnimation(model, "abstract::anim_soldier_StrafeL.gmf", "animStrafeLId") class:loadAnimation(model, "abstract::anim_soldier_StrafeR.gmf", "animStrafeRId") class:loadAnimation(model, "abstract::anim_soldier_back.gmf", "animBackId") -- Finished loading animations class.animsLoaded = 1 AppLog("Loaded soldier animations.") end -- =======Class itself======= function class:CreateObject(model) -- Initialize local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.bodies = {} --pysics bodies for ragdoll object.joints = {} object.lods = {} object.lodCount = 0 --count and remember lods --[[for childId = 1, CountChildren(model) do local child = GetChild(model, childId) if child:GetClass() == ENTITY_MESH then object.lodCount = object.lodCount + 1 object.lods[object.lodCount] = child end end]] object.lodCount = CountModelLODEntities(model) for childId = 0, object.lodCount-1 do local child = GetModelLODEntity(model, childId) object.lods[childId] = child end function object:CreateRagdoll() --AppLog("Start: "..os.time()) self.ragdoll = 1 --turning on ragdoll and turning off animation --clear animation helper functions --RemoveHook("Flip", object.Render) object.Update = nil object.Draw = nil if self.controller ~= nil then FreeEntity(self.controller) self.controller = nil end --AppLog("Cleaning hooks and controller: "..os.time()) --create a physics body for bone in model function CreateBodyForPart(partname, radius, length) local mesh = GetChild(self.model, 1) --taking a firts LOD for bones coordinates --local mesh = GetChild(GetModelLODEntity(self.model, 0), 1) --self.lods[0] --taking a firts LOD for bones coordinates local part = FindChild(mesh, partname) if part ~= nil then AppLog("Bone found: " .. partname) --[[ --local body = CreateBodyPivot(self.model) --dosent work with collision --local body = CreateBodySphere(0.05, self.model) --local body = CreateBodySphere(radius, self.model) local body = CreateBodySphere(0.04, self.model) --local body = CreateBodyCylinder(radius, radius * 3, self.model) --local body = CreateBodyBox(radius * 3, length * 5, radius * 3, self.model) --SetBodyMassCenter(body, Vec3(0, radius * 1.5, 0)) SweptCollision(body, 1) EntityType(body, COLLISION_PROP) --SetBodyGravityMode(body, 1) --SetBodyFriction(body, 0.1, 0.1) --SetBodySoftness(body, 1) --SetBodyElasticity(body, 1) --SetBodyDamping(body, 0.3, 0.3) SetBodyMass(body, radius * 500) --SetBodyMass(body, 5) PositionEntity(body, EntityPosition(part, 1), 1) RotateEntity(body, EntityRotation(part, 1), 1) self.bodies[partname] = body ]] --cylinder doesn't work because of can't shift it without shiftion it's origin --creating a bone-like body --local bone = CreateBodyBox(radius * 3, length, radius * 3, body) local bone = CreateBodyBox(radius * 2, length - 0.04, radius * 2, nil) --local bone = CreateBodyCylinder(radius, length, --self.model) --local bone = CreateBodyCylinder(radius, length - 0.04, nil) --body) local position = EntityPosition(part, 1) --local position = Vec3(origin.x, origin.y -length / 2 - 0.04, origin.z) PositionEntity(bone, position, 1) RotateEntity(bone, EntityRotation(part, 1), 1) TurnEntity(bone, Vec3(90, 90, 0)) MoveEntity(bone, Vec3(0, -length / 2 - 0.04, 0), 1) --TranslateEntity(bone, Vec3(0, -length / 2 - 0.04, 0), 0) --SetEntityMatrix(bone, GetEntityMatrix(part)) EntityType(bone, COLLISION_PROP) SweptCollision(bone, 1) --SetBodyGravityMode(bone, 1) --SetBodyMassCenter(bone, Vec3(0, radius * 1.5, 0)) --SetBodyFriction(bone, 0.5, 0.5) --SetBodyFriction(bone, 0.3, 0.3) SetBodyFriction(bone, 0.8, 0.3) --SetBodySoftness(bone, 1) --SetBodyElasticity(bone, 1) --SetBodyDamping(bone, 0.3, 0.3) --SetBodyMass(bone, radius * 50) SetBodyMass(bone, radius * 200) --SetBodyMass(bone, 5) --self.bodies[partname] = body self.bodies[partname] = bone --CreateJointFixed(body, bone, EntityPosition(body, 1)) --EntityParent(body, self.bodies[partname], 1) --EntityParent(bone, body, 1) --EntityParent(self.bodies[partname], nil, 1) else AppLog("Bone not found: " .. partname) end end function SetupBodyForPart(mesh, partname) local part = FindChild(mesh, partname) if part ~= nil then EntityParent(part, self.bodies[partname], 1) AppLog("Part found: " .. partname) else AppLog("Part not found: " .. partname) end end function CreateJoint(bodyname_parent, bodyname_child, pin, minangle, maxangle) --local joint = CreateJointBall(self.bodies[bodyname_parent], self.bodies[bodyname_child], EntityPosition(self.bodies[bodyname_parent], 1)) --local joint = CreateJointBall(self.bodies[bodyname_child], self.bodies[bodyname_parent], EntityPosition(self.bodies[bodyname_parent], 1)) --local joint = CreateJointBall(self.bodies[bodyname_parent], self.bodies[bodyname_child], EntityPosition(self.bodies[bodyname_child], 1)) --local joint = CreateJointBall(self.bodies[bodyname_child], self.bodies[bodyname_parent], EntityPosition(self.bodies[bodyname_child], 1)) local axe = TFormVector(pin, self.model, nil) --local position = EntityPosition(self.bodies[bodyname_child], 1) local position --local mesh = GetModelLODEntity(self.model, 0) --self.lods[0] --taking a firts LOD for bones coordinates local mesh = GetChild(self.model, 1) --TellAboutChildren(mesh, 0) local part = FindChild(mesh, bodyname_child) if part ~= nil then position = EntityPosition(part, 1) AppLog("Part "..bodyname_child.." found.") else AppLog("Part "..bodyname_child.." not found!") end local joint = CreateJointHinge(self.bodies[bodyname_parent], self.bodies[bodyname_child], position, axe) SetHingeJointLimits(joint, minangle, maxangle) --SetJointCollisionMode(joint, 0) --dosen't work in lua --SetBallJointLimits(joint, Vec3(1,1,1), 0, 0) --dosen't work in lua --joint:SetLimits(Vec3(1, 1, 1), 0, 0) --dosen't work self.joints[bodyname_child] = joint --EntityParent(joint, self.bodies[bodyname_parent]) end --reset all lods position --[[for childId = 0, self.lodCount-1 do local child = self.lods[childId] PositionEntity(child, EntityPosition(self.model, 1), 1) RotateEntity(child, EntityRotation(self.model, 1), 1) UpdateMesh(child) end]] --AppLog("Updating lods: "..os.time()) AppLog("Creating bodies for parts...") CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 Pelvis", 0.05, 0.08) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 Spine", 0.03, 0.13) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 Spine1", 0.03, 0.13) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 Spine2", 0.02, 0.13) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 Neck", 0.03, 0.06) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 Head", 0.08, 0.1) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 L Clavicle", 0.02, 0.15) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 R Clavicle", 0.02, 0.15) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 L UpperArm", 0.03, 0.28) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 R UpperArm", 0.03, 0.28) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 L Forearm", 0.03, 0.21) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 R Forearm", 0.03, 0.21) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 L Hand", 0.03, 0.09) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 R Hand", 0.03, 0.09) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 L Thigh", 0.06, 0.38) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 R Thigh", 0.06, 0.38) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 L Calf", 0.04, 0.36) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 R Calf", 0.04, 0.36) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 L Foot", 0.04, 0.08) CreateBodyForPart("Bip01 R Foot", 0.04, 0.08) AppLog("Intializing joints...") local rollX = Vec3(1, 0, 0) local rollY = Vec3(0, 1, 0) local rollZ = Vec3(0, 0, 1) CreateJoint("Bip01 Pelvis", "Bip01 Spine", rollY, -45, 45) CreateJoint("Bip01 Spine", "Bip01 Spine1", rollX, -10, 30) CreateJoint("Bip01 Spine1", "Bip01 Spine2", rollX, -10, 30) CreateJoint("Bip01 Spine2", "Bip01 Neck", rollX, -10, -10) CreateJoint("Bip01 Head", "Bip01 Neck", rollY, -75, 75) CreateJoint("Bip01 Neck", "Bip01 L Clavicle", rollY, -30, 0) CreateJoint("Bip01 Neck", "Bip01 R Clavicle", rollY, 0, 30) CreateJoint("Bip01 L Clavicle", "Bip01 L UpperArm", rollZ, -140, 0) CreateJoint("Bip01 R Clavicle", "Bip01 R UpperArm", rollZ, 0, 140) CreateJoint("Bip01 L UpperArm", "Bip01 L Forearm", rollX, -120, 0) CreateJoint("Bip01 R UpperArm", "Bip01 R Forearm", rollX, -120, 0) CreateJoint("Bip01 L Forearm", "Bip01 L Hand", rollZ, -5, 30) CreateJoint("Bip01 R Forearm", "Bip01 R Hand", rollZ, -30, 5) CreateJoint("Bip01 L Thigh", "Bip01 Pelvis", rollX, -5, 90) CreateJoint("Bip01 R Thigh", "Bip01 Pelvis", rollX, -5, 90) CreateJoint("Bip01 L Thigh", "Bip01 L Calf", rollX, 10, 140) CreateJoint("Bip01 R Thigh", "Bip01 R Calf", rollX, 10, 140) CreateJoint("Bip01 L Calf", "Bip01 L Foot", rollX, -10, 60) CreateJoint("Bip01 R Calf", "Bip01 R Foot", rollX, -10, 60) --AppLog("Creating joints: "..os.time()) --for childId = 0, CountModelLODEntities(self.model)-1 do --local child = GetChild(GetModelLODEntity(self.model, childId), 1) local child = GetChild(self.model, 1) AppLog("Setting up bodies...") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 L Foot") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 R Foot") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 L Calf") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 R Calf") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 L Thigh") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 R Thigh") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 L Hand") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 R Hand") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 L Forearm") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 R Forearm") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 L UpperArm") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 R UpperArm") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 L Clavicle") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 R Clavicle") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 Head") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 Neck") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 Spine2") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 Spine1") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 Spine") SetupBodyForPart(child, "Bip01 Pelvis") --end end --object:CreateRagdoll() function object:ClearJoints() local id for id in pairs(self.joints) do FreeJoint(self.joints[id]) end for id in pairs(self.bodies) do FreeEntity(self.bodies[id]) end end function object:updateAnimation() local blend = AppSpeed() * class.BLENDCHANGE_SPEED blend = math.min(blend, 1.0) --AppLog("CountChildren = "..CountChildren(self.model)) --AppLog("CountLODs = "..CountModelLODEntities(self.model)) Animate(self.model, ((AppTime()+self.timeOffset)/1000.0) * class.NTSC_FPS, blend, self.currentAnim-1, 1) --[[for childId = 0, CountModelLODEntities(self.model)-1 do local child = GetModelLODEntity(model, childId) Animate(child, --self.model, ((AppTime()+self.timeOffset)/1000.0) * class.NTSC_FPS, blend, self.currentAnim-1, 1) end]] end -- Initialize function function object:Init() -- Load this model class' anims (has to be done only once) if class.animsLoaded==0 then class:loadAnimations(model) end -- Setup the model SetModelLODDistance(model, 5, 0) SetModelLODDistance(model, 12, 1) SetModelLODDistance(model, 19, 2) -- Collision type EntityType(model, COLLISION_NONE) --local lodCount = CountChildren(model) AppLog("Setting physics...") local lodCount = CountModelLODEntities(model)--NEW as of LE2.5 AppLog("LOD count = "..lodCount) for childId = 0, lodCount-1 do --EntityType(GetChild(model, childId), COLLISION_AILINEOFSIGHT) AppLog("Setting LOD "..childId) EntityType(GetModelLODEntity(model, childId), COLLISION_AILINEOFSIGHT)--NEW as of LE2.5 end AppLog("Setting physics done.") = --for zombie mode = 100 --for countdown hits until death -- Set default settings self.moveDirAdd = 0 self.curMoveDirAdd = 0 self.moveDir = 0 self.moveSpeed = 0 self.jump = 0 self.matrixUpdateIsInternal = 0 -- Animations self.currentAnim = 0 self.timeOffset = math.random(10000) -- Create the controller self.controller = CreateController(1.75, 0.35, 0.45, 45, 1) PositionEntity(self.controller, EntityPosition(model, 1), 1) SetBodyMass(self.controller, 10) EntityType(self.controller, COLLISION_CHARACTER) SweptCollision(self.controller, 1 ) -- Set current state SendEntityMessage(model, "SetMovement=") SendEntityMessage(model, "SetHeading=0") SendEntityMessage(model, "RandomizeAnimTimeOffset", nil,1) self.ragdoll = 0 end -- Define callbacks function object:SetKey(key,value) if key=="color" then else return self.super:SetKey(key,value) end return 1 end --[[function object:GetKey(key,value) if key=="bloody" then return "true" end end]] function object:SetMovement(moveDirAdd, moveDir, moveSpeed, currentAnim) self.moveDirAdd = moveDirAdd self.moveDir = moveDir self.moveSpeed = moveSpeed self.currentAnim = self.class[currentAnim] end -- Recieve control commands through messages function object:ReceiveMessage(message,extra) local values=string.Explode(message,"=") local command = values[1] local value = "" if values[2] ~= nil then value = values[2] end if command=="SetHeading" then self.heading = tonumber(value) elseif command=="Jump" then if self.ragdoll == 0 then --don't jump after death if ControllerAirborne(self.controller) == 0 then --don't jump in air self.jump = 1 self.model:EmitSound(self.class.jump_sound, 30, 1.0, 0) end end elseif command=="hit" then if self.ragdoll == 0 then --still alive AppLog("I'm hited!") = - 1000 if <= 0 then SendEntityMessage(self.model, "die") else local volume = 1.0 - * 0.005 self.model:EmitSound(self.class.jump_sound, 30, volume, 0) end end elseif command=="die" or command=="use" then AppLog("I'm dying!") self.currentAnim = self.class.animIdleId self:updateAnimation() self:CreateRagdoll() AppLog("I'm dead!") elseif command=="SetMovement" then if value=="MOVE_FORWARD" then self:SetMovement(0, 0, class.MOVE_SPEED_FW, "animRunId") elseif value=="MOVE_FORWARD_LEFT" then self:SetMovement(45, 0, class.MOVE_SPEED_FW, "animRunId") elseif value=="MOVE_FORWARD_RIGHT" then self:SetMovement(-45, 0, class.MOVE_SPEED_FW, "animRunId") elseif value=="MOVE_BACK" then self:SetMovement(0, 180, class.MOVE_SPEED_BACK, "animBackId") elseif value=="MOVE_BACK_LEFT" then self:SetMovement(-45, 180, class.MOVE_SPEED_BACK, "animBackId") elseif value=="MOVE_BACK_RIGHT" then self:SetMovement(45, 180, class.MOVE_SPEED_BACK, "animBackId") elseif value=="MOVE_LEFT" then self:SetMovement(0, 90, class.MOVE_SPEED_SIDE, "animStrafeLId") elseif value=="MOVE_RIGHT" then self:SetMovement(0, -90, class.MOVE_SPEED_SIDE, "animStrafeRId") else self:SetMovement(0, 0, 0, "animIdleId") end else return self.super:ReceiveMessage(message,extra) end return 0 end -- Update the model. That is, update the roation and move/jump if necessary. function object:Update() if zombie_mode == 1 then local selfposition = EntityPosition(model) local cameraposition = EntityPosition( local distance = EntityDistance(model, if distance > 15 then if self.moveSpeed ~= 0 then SendEntityMessage(model, "SetMovement=") end self.heading = self.heading + 1 else self.heading = math.atan2(cameraposition.z - selfposition.z, cameraposition.x - selfposition.x) * 180 / math.pi - 90 if distance > 3 then if self.moveSpeed == 0 then self.model:EmitSound(self.class.run_sound,30,1.0,0) end SendEntityMessage(model, "SetMovement=MOVE_FORWARD") else if self.moveSpeed ~= 0 then SendEntityMessage(model, "SetMovement=") end self.heading = self.heading + 1 --AppLog("rotating...") end if distance < 5 and self.moveSpeed ~= 0 then SendEntityMessage(model, "Jump") end end end self.matrixUpdateIsInternal = 1 -- Update directions self.curMoveDirAdd = CurveAngle(self.moveDirAdd, self.curMoveDirAdd, class.TURN_STEPS*(1.0/AppSpeed())) --if self.moveSpeed > 0.0 then self.curHeading = CurveAngle(self.heading, self.curHeading, class.TURN_STEPS*(1.0/AppSpeed())) --end RotateEntity(model, Vec3(0, self.curHeading+self.curMoveDirAdd+180, 0)) self.controller:Update(self.curHeading + self.moveDir + self.curMoveDirAdd, self.moveSpeed, 0, self.jump*class.JUMP_FORCE, 500, 1, 0) self.jump = 0 local curpos = EntityPosition(model) targetPos = EntityPosition(self.controller) curpos.x = Curve(targetPos.x, curpos.x, class.MOVE_STEPS*(1.0/AppSpeed())) curpos.y = Curve(targetPos.y, curpos.y, class.MOVE_STEPS*(1.0/AppSpeed())) curpos.z = Curve(targetPos.z, curpos.z, class.MOVE_STEPS*(1.0/AppSpeed())) PositionEntity(model, curpos) self.matrixUpdateIsInternal = 0 end -- Render update. Plays the animations. function object:Draw() object.matrixUpdateIsInternal = 1 -- Update animations object:updateAnimation() object.matrixUpdateIsInternal = 0 end -- External movement and rotation requires special threatment since the model is controlled by a cc. function object:UpdateMatrix() if self.matrixUpdateIsInternal == 0 then -- Force heading self.heading = EntityRotation(self.model).y-180 self.curHeading = self.heading self.moveDirAdd = 0 -- Force position if self.controller ~= nil then PositionEntity(self.controller, EntityPosition(self.model)) end end end function object:Reset() self.matrixUpdateIsInternal = 0 object:UpdateMatrix() end -- Free callback. Frees the model and the cc. function object:Free(model) --RemoveHook("Flip", object.Render) --free all bodies self:ClearJoints() if self.controller ~= nil then FreeEntity(self.controller) end self.super:Free() end -- Call initialize func object:Init() --AddHook("Flip", object.Render) SendEntityMessage(object.model, "die", nil, 5000) --let's kill him end Quote Stop toying and make games Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
beo6 Posted January 19, 2015 Share Posted January 19, 2015 Looks a lot like LE 2.5 code which is not compatible with LE 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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