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A Demon's Game


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Sometimes in life, you have to commit yourself to saving the ones you love. You need to sacrifice yourself for the greater good, and triumph over all barriers between you and that goal. My name is Daniel. I used to live a normal life... I had a decent job, a beautiful wife... But everything has changed, and now I have to get her back. I'm ready to go to the deepest corners of hell if I have to, if it means I get to see her again.


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Steam Greenlight (Concept)





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The gold necklage on the demon just looks like a demon trying to look like a sexy lady laugh.png

Remove it and put a chain necklage or some with spikes instead more demon, less fashion.


Some electric panels and wires or pipes on some walls could add more details.

The bricks on floor , does they come from some room in construction or some destructed wall around ? they seem been on floor with no reason.

The trash or detritus small thing have textures not macthing with textures around



Otherwise the level looks good and well composed smile.png with good amount of details and moster is really great.

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Stop toying and make games

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  On 1/31/2015 at 10:22 PM, YouGroove said:

The gold necklage on the demon just looks like a demon trying to look like a sexy lady.

Remove it and put a chain necklage or some with spikes instead more demon, less fashion.


Haha, this made my day. But the reason he has that is to warn the player that he's near, sort of like a "Tling tling" sound :P


  On 1/31/2015 at 10:31 PM, Josh said:

I like it.

I'm glad you do :D

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  On 1/31/2015 at 10:22 PM, YouGroove said:

Some electric panels and wires or pipes on some walls could add more details.


The bricks on floor , does they come from some room in construction or some destructed wall around ? they seem been on floor with no reason.

The trash or detritus small thing have textures not macthing with textures around



Otherwise the level looks good and well composed smile.png with good amount of details and moster is really great.


Thanks for the for criticism, will definitly take this into consideration when I make more levels.

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Lucifer has been revealed! And the story gets a bit more interesting!


What does this mean towards the storyline of the game?



Lucifer is the one that is holding Daniel's wife hostage, and for Daniel to get her back, he has to do the devil's dirty work. This meaning that he has to go collect his lost souls, but the souls that Lucifer wants are not simple souls, they're demon souls, and since they escaped Hell, they were able to use people as hosts. Since all the souls are different and since every person the souls inhabit are different, the encounters the player will face will be varied both in terms of sneaking/hiding and actually killing the demon.


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What do you guys think?

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Very cool concept. I really like the idea of something personal that has been taken. The bell idea as well is fantastic. I think a redesign of your character may be needed.


You want scary features like really long slender fingers and horns and sharp vampire like teeth. Red and black seem like dark colours rather than red and gold like in your concept. If you nail a really scary look then that's half the battle, you can kick things up a notch with your movement of your character then to make it really creepy and horror like.


Keep up the good work!

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  On 1/31/2015 at 10:22 PM, YouGroove said:

The gold necklage on the demon just looks like a demon trying to look like a sexy lady laugh.png

Remove it and put a chain necklage or some with spikes instead more demon, less fashion.


Laughed at this as well, however I disagree. Satan is God's most beautiful angel. It is his cunningness and deceipt that makes him scary, not his looks. I like to imagine that demons are highly fashionable.

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." ~ Socrates

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Guys, guys, the devil is not supposed to be scary, in fact, none of the demons in the game are scary if you think about it, one has a golden rihanna wannabe necklace and the other has sweet tribal tatoos.

Now in all seriousness, I never wanted to make Lucifer look demonic, I wanted him to have a sense of style, he's the fricking king of demons, he has all the bitches and loves red wine and long walks on the beach, all this right after a few tortured souls here and there.

I'm going for a more "Joker" Lucifer than an actual demon, his looks portray that very well I think tongue.png



Remember that the Demons you find in the game were previously normal people...

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  On 2/6/2015 at 11:14 PM, marchingcubes said:

I think you should definitely take it in a 'non standard' direction - ignoring convention and giving your characters personality beyond 'the bigger the claws and teeth the more evil he/she is' is what will make your games story interesting and cool


That was exactly my plan from the very beggining, I don't want to make another Slender, I want to make my own game. For the past 2 weeks I've been writing the story of the game and giving the characters a personality and life, to make them feel more realistic. That is my goal.

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Following the sucess of the Pre-alpha that was put out a week ago, I decided to do some fine tuning to the map as well as introduce new features.


Added notes!




New interactions with objects

Fixed the bug that caused the player to go through the concrete blocks.

Fixed the bug that caused the player to be able to jump over the railing.

Fixed the text overlaping.

Fixed footstep sounds not playing according to character speed (you can now hear the footsteps while running)

Made the generators louder.

Ajusted the end screen.

Fix the issue that caused the fallen bottle to not show up after it had fallen off the shelf.

Made it so that the "hand icon" shows up only when the player is trying to interact with objects that can be used.

Have fun playing :D

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