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[solved]published items in workshop will not install


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Most of the workshop items will not install. I'm using the beta and i can see the workshop items in the editor using the workshop browser menu but they still will not install or download. They try to download and then fail. A couple of the new ones did work though: the timer module and the katana. They downloaded and installed but most of all the others will not work.

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I think that's an item that got deleted but the Steamworks API still pulls the data up.


I can install those two items without any problem. Note that in the beta they no longer go in an "AddOns" folder, they just use whatever directory structure the author sets up in their zip file.


Is there any other information in the program log? You can see this at the bottom of the main window if you drag it up.



My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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I had this problem with the postprocess shaders. I went into C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Leadwerks\Workshop\251810\Preview and deleting everything in there fixed it for me. I believe I deleted the postprocess shader archive in \251810 too since it was in there at the time. Might want to back up first just in case.




Using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit/Core I7-2700K @ 4312mhz/24G RAM/Nvidia GTX 1060

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i just tried to unsub from almost all of them. all except the ones im using and they are still showing up in my subscribed items in the workshop browswer but they have a white bar in the circle icon instead of a checkmark


**edit** I just tried to unsub more and they did in steam outside of the editor but now it shows in my editor workshop browser that i only have 2 subbed workshop items but in fact i have many more.

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@Josh yeah but should it not show all my subscribed items then ? It does not. it is only showing 2 of them ! I have about a dozen or so subbed and they are not showing up there




You can see in the screeny that the zone:crates and contrast are subbed but they are not checked off in the editor workshop browser. Thats just 2 but there are more that are not showing up as subbed

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The checkmark means it's installed. The fact it shows up in the list at all means it's subscribed. Otherwise it would not be in the list at all.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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At this time I am unable to produce this error. I added additional information to the output log to try to see what the cause of this is.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got it to work finally !


I read somewhere on these forums or the steam forums a while back that there is a limit of subbing to 50 or less workshop items. So i tried it by subbing only to 49 workshop items and now all of which i choose to install actually do now !


Mabye you could fix this workshop subscription limit ?

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There shouldn't be any limit. A query of subbed items returns 50 at a time, but the routine should do multiple fetches if more than that is encountered.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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I just got the C++ standard LE edition and could not install any new subbed items so I unsubbed to 49 and it failed again. So then I unsubbed down to 47 items and now the new subbed item installed finally ! So for me I have to be down to 47 subbed items to download and install a new subbed item.

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