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Latest Beta no text in output tab, debug does not start


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With the latest updates, I notice there is no longer any output after:


Executing "\path\to\my\leadwerks\projects\projectname\executable"...


in the output tab of the script editor when clicking the 'play' icon to run the game (I also note the slashes in the above path are incorrect for the platform), there is no output during scene setup or from System:Print() in my scripts


When the executable is launched manually from the terminal, text output e.g. from System:Print() works fine.


I also notice clicking the 'Debug' icon seems to run something but no gui window is instantiated, and similarly, there is no output in the 'Output' tab.


Ubuntu 14.04, NVidia here.

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Also, when I publish a game that works fine in the editor and fine from the executable in the project folder, I get:


Error: Failed to load texture "Materials/Effects/Water/water1_0.tex"

<62 similar .tex file errors omitted>

Error: Failed to load texture "Materials/Effects/Water/water1_63.tex"




Error: Failed to load material "Materials/Common/NavMesh.mat"


This breaks the water quite badly.


I note these items are not prefixed with the absolute path to the resource - as all the other loaded resources are.

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I am unable to produce your launching error. Anyone else?


The water textures are currently not being copied because there is nothing forcing the editor to include them in the publish step. I will have to come up with a special case solution for this.

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Hmmm, thats odd you can't replicate this. Notably, I also get a message box pop up when exiting the script editor after starting a map in the editor.


It says 'An external process is still running, do you want to terminate it', even though the game executable has been quit and there is no window. Seems it is just failing to attach stdout or keep track of the launched process for some reason.. weird.

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This seems to have resolved itself - We had a power cut so I had to restart my workstation, and after thart launching Steam showed a new update - after that was installed, and project updated everything seems to be working OK now..


I have to say I the updating mechanism could use some work - mostly just information on exactly what is being updated, and ideally some kind of reference for what versions of all components I 'should' have.. This may be written into some log files or other, but I kind of feel like I am left guessing about a lot of these issues, and end up filing a bunch of these bug reports which aren't reproducible or just go away 'magically' and ultimately just waste your time.. I am pretty new to Leadwerks so this may be common knowledge for some.


If it was clear I had an 'update sync' problem and just needed to wait for Steam to get its act together, it would be less hassle for everyone.


I understand if there are other more pressing priorities, but I do see a lot of traffic on this forum relating to update-induced problems, and just providing the user more visibility on exactly what is happening/happened in previous updates (possibly just a sticky tutorial covering the structure of Leadwerks, what is typically changed during updates, and how to read the logs/verify you have the latest stuff) would help a lot.

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That's true. I also think we've let the lag between the default and beta branch go a little too long. We're at about six weeks now.

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My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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